
29 July 2007

The Teeth are Coming....

Well it would appear that Noah's eye teeth are on their way, although they have been that way for a couple of weeks with nothing to show for it but sore gums, lots of dribble and an at times scratchy boy. We also had to pick him up early from daycare on Thursday as they said he had a bit of a temperature and he proceeded to throw up on the way home in the stroller, luckily I was only 5 minutes from home but had to run the rest of the way. We're not sure what brought it on as he was fine the next day...who knows just one of those things?!

Yesterday morning we went for breakfast at the Maranui Surf Cafe in Lyall Bay, beautiful setting and great food, and Noah really enjoyed watching all the birds down at the water's edge. I then went off and did an aquajog which in hindsight probably not the cleverest of ideas straight after eggs benedict as I felt rough for the rest of the day, to the extent that I thought I might be getting the flu, either that or I had somehow put my back out and that was causing all sorts of aches and pains and headache. Seemed to come right Sunday morning for a few hours but from mid-afternoon have felt rotten again...weird. Mark is also not feeling best of either so maybe we have caught a bug, could even be what Noah had on Thursday. Let's just hope it passes quickly!



This week we were given some of Noah's artwork done at daycare, the best piece currently has pride of place on Mark's wall at work. I thought it looked like a frog but Mark decided it was a T-Rex, so we'll go with that!


It's hard to believe that Noah will be turning one in 4 days time, I'll be praying this week for us all to be healthy next weekend for Nana and Poppa's visit and for the birthday party on Saturday!

23 July 2007

Walking the trolley

This weekend we took the toys back to the toy library and instead got a wooden trolley and a slide for Noah. The toy library is such a great invention, especially for the big items that you just wouldn't want to go out and buy as they do get sick of the same toys after a while. Noah was a bit unsure of the new trolley to start with, but by the end of the day was whizzing around the lounge and seemed even more confident at walking than with the other plastic one.


Mark and I went out to see Harry Potter No. 5 at the movies on Sat night, really enjoyed that. We were both bemoaning the fact that we'd really like to read the last book which came out today, but its just finding the time......! Noah is such a wonderful time waster but we wouldn't have it any other way. We had a very mild Saturday (and for once I didn't feel like my fingers and toes were going to fall off on my bike ride), but then overnight on Saturday night it was an absolute howling southerly, and sleet to the extent that it looked like snow in the garden on Sunday morning...Mark was trying to claim it as such but it really was just hail if you ask me.

This weekend we managed to webcam with both grandparents which we haven't done for a few weeks, and they loved seeing Noah on top form getting up to lots of tricks. We have been trying to make an effort at baby sign language with Noah the last few weeks, particularly the animal signs as that is what he's most into, and I'm pretty sure he started signing 'bird' back to me yesterday as we were reading Hairy McLary. There's a page with Hairy McLary and two birds on the ground beside him, and he was very keen on pointing at the birds and then flapping his arm. I'm sure it will become more obvious over the next few days if that's what he was doing. Birds do seem to be the most fascinating animals for him at the moment..bless.


We're getting geared up for his party next weekend, and we also will be taking in some yummy treats for afternoon tea for all the kids at daycare on his actual birthday (Thu 2nd), so Mark and I will be popping down at 3pm to celebrate with them, and then Noah and I will head off to the airport to pick up Nana and Poppa for the weekend and I'll take Friday off to spend with them...can't wait!

19 July 2007

Thomas the Tank Engine..

This weeks excitement was Mark finding a Thomas the Tank Engine train set for Noah (or so he says, personally I think it was just as much for him!). It was originally $130 and we managed to get it for $30. Such a good deal that we bought 2 more and Neil/Rama from my work bought one each too for Caleb and Te Aorere. So when we got it home Mark just HAD to play with it.. to check it was all working of course!


Noah has been very interested in animals lately. He likes us to point out the animals on his Noah's ark painting, and points to his giraffe height chart in his room. He's also particularly interested in the photos of South African animals we have in the hallway, so we can't go up or down the stairs without stopping to talk to the animals in the photos and make the various noises. His latest interest at daycare is the pigeons that sit in the eaves outside, he loves to point at them and listen to the cooing noises they make. Last Saturday we even took a trip down town to 'Pigeon Park' outside Mobil on the Park to see if we could find some to show Noah but alas the pigeons were having the weekend off! Mark had laughed at me when I wondered aloud if there would be any pigeons on a Saturday and without the scores of lunchtime workers eating lunch there, the park was peaceful and quiet...oh well.

This week has been a bit unsettled for Noah, as he's getting his eye teeth (which I'm told can be pretty painful). He's been in good spirits during the day but just a bit wakeful at night and hard to get back down if he does wake up... and it always takes a while before the trusty Pamol takes effect when he does wake up.

This morning we read Noah a book with farm animal noises and I couldn't resist taking a photo of Mark's funny lips as he pretended to be all the different animals, Noah was most amused.

We're supposed to be taking the little walking trolley back to the toy library this, so I'm going to see if we can't renew it for a bit longer as Noah does love scooting around the room behind it. Well as I have suddenly had a hefty weight land on one of my typing hands (5kg of furriness namely Murphy), I'll take that as a sign that we both need bed!

14 July 2007

Marks Turn


Week 3 of blogger heaven has come and gone....I actually had a go at Meg for this website, but to be honest, I'm actually starting to like it!!!! She's given me free run to write this week, so it'll probably be my last.

Busy week for the whole family what with work for the two adults and playing at daycare doing things he loves for the little one!!! Meghan has got auditors at work (so i've lost my wife again....she might as well be on another planet) but hopefully in a week or so she will stop talking numbers and account jibberish to me (ha ha). Only kidding, but when it gets busy with Meg, it gets really busy.

Noah has had a blinder this crying at daycare whilst I dropped him off (makes me feel a lot better during the day), heaps of talking (new words like Doha - I think he's trying to say Noah!!), making new noises with his mouth (to be honest, hard to describe actually what noises they are...sound a bit like 'bbbbbbrrrrrrr'.....but believe me they are new!!) and generally he's been all round fun.


I got to the cinema twice this week (first time i've been since September last year) and watched Transformers (brilliant) and Pirates of the Carribean 3......pretty good movie too. Meghan and I watched Pirates 3 together, whilst Transformers was more of a work get together.

We also had a visitor all week staying with us....Tracey Easte, a very good friend of ours from way back (well 3-4 years at least) The Easte's have moved to the Bay (Hawkes Bay) and Tracey stayed behind to finish off work. It's sad to see our friends leave, but a great excuse to head off to Hawkes bay for a holiday (or two..)

Anyway, as I'm still on the fence about these websites I'll wrap it up there and come back later to admire my good never know depending on what Meg thinks, you could have another instalment from me in the future....

08 July 2007

Crisp & Clear Sunday

Another great day. Today dawned beautiful but FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEZIN! I got a lie-in and carried on reading some more of 'A Mind Awake' which is an anthology of C.S. Lewis quotes, he really did have the most amazing mind and can explain the unexplainable in terms of Christian theology with some brilliant metaphors.

Then it was off for a bike ride. How cold!!!! I later found it was about 1 degree while I was out and my hands turned to blocks of ice as soon as I left the house and didn't warm up again till the upward homeward leg, they have continued to feel tingly for the rest of the day.

Noah and Mark had built a fantastic tower while I was out with every piece of Mega Bloks we have. Noah accidentally knocked it over and got a bit of a fright and cried, so Daddy came to the rescue and rebuilt it!

Our little pickle decided that his usual morning sleep was not on the cards this morning and in fact stayed up until 1pm which is unheard of, but then slept for 1 3/4 hours ...yeeha some peace at last!

We have had the most stunning views of the Rimutaka/Tararua Ranges covered in snow today, and the harbour has been like a mill pond! Still pretty cold out though.

2 fresh coffees with our new machine today (a bit indulgent and have felt wired ever since!) but its so quick and easy that its pretty hard not to indulge in more than one! We've also moved Noah's toy box to pride of place beside the TV, hoping that he'll be a bit more content to play while we're in the kitchen because he can see us rather than having it right over in the corner of the room. All in all a lovely day!

07 July 2007

Mmmm fresh coffee......

Today started with a wonderful sleep in (till 7.30am - thanks Noah!). Mark was somewhat worse for wear after a late night out with his mid-year staff party - I knew he was having a late one when I woke up at 1.15 to hear Noah cry out (just momentarily) and the bed was still empty beside me.

Yesterday's post brought some lovely gifts from Mark's mum in the UK - 2 new soft toy monkeys for Noah to be backups since his other two monkeys are becoming quite overloved and one or other is always in the wash. Can you tell which is old and which is new from the photo?! Now we just have to find ways of introducing the monkeys into his daily life so they become as loved as the other two, which won't be easy as he definitely can spot the difference at the moment!

After a short morning nap (Noah that is, not us - I wish!), the 3 of us drove out to Camborne to have a coffee and a muffin with Mark's boss and his wife who are due to have their first baby next weekend. It brought back many memories to see their room all set up and ready for the arrival of this new little life. Nicola was asking my advice about whether she had enough clothes etc and it really brought home a few things to me, remembering how little you really know before baby arrives and how keen you are to get any advice from people who've been through it, it also made me realise just how far we've since come, looking back now it is hard to even remember what life was like back then in those early days!

We came back via North City Shopping Centre and looked for some birthday presents for Noah at K-Mart and Farmers which were both having sales. We ended up buying him a Noah's ark boat that comes with 2 elephants, lions and zebras (and a Noah of course). The animals are plastic but have fluffy/velvety bits to make them more realistic. We think this will be his present from Nana/Poppa (my Mum and Dad).

Today was our first day using our new coffee machine, but I wish I hadn't had a headache and been feeling a bit more on top form to really enjoy the coffee. But from what I saw of Mark making it, it seemed very simple to operate and really quick too. We've been making do with our other one for a wee while now but after I got a payrise this week and celebrated my 5 year anniversary at work (and so had a $100 voucher to spend anywhere), it seemed like the right time to treat ourselves and upgrade. We were very lucky that our friends Deborah and Dave have had the same machine for 7 years and couldn't speak highly enough of it so that helped make our decision that much easier. And their user instructions came in very handy for our 1st attempt today too - cheers guys!

This week Noah started wearing pyjamas for the first time, it is so cute to see him in big-boy pyjamas instead of the all-in-one (including feet) body suits he's been wearing up until now, it really does make him seem like a toddler all of a sudden and a baby no longer. But don't grow up too fast, Noah, you're so much fun at the moment! Noah also seems much more interested in trying to feed himself in the last week or two, we haven't yet let him take full control of the spoon, I think I am slightly concerned at where the food might end up, but I think we probably just need to bite the bullet and put a big sheet down and let him go for it!

Noah's got a bit of a nasty cough at the moment, but thankfully seems to be eating and drinking much better than this time last weekend. In fact, we are totally surprised by how much of his bottles he IS drinking at the moment, but we're definitely not complaining as at other times it can be an absolute mission to even get 100ml down him.Anyway since I rather foolishly stayed up till 1am (I know what was I thinking!) on Wednesday to get our first blog posted I am not going to make the same mistake, tonight, my freezing cold bed is calling (sounds inviting doesn't it!).

04 July 2007

The Year So Far

We thought it was high time we set up a webpage, to keep a record of some of the awesome moments we're having together as a family, and so you, our friends and family can keep up with what we're up to! So a bit of a download on the year so far:
This was a busy month all round for us, Meghan spent much of of her last few weeks at home with Noah packing the house up for our move from 'The Valley' up to the dizzying heights of Highbury, which as the crow flies was probably only 500 metres. Mark (aka Daddy Daycare) took over from Meghan looking after Noah on the 23rd when Meghan went back to work after her six month's maternity leave was over all too quickly. 4 days later Mark's parents arrived from the UK for a month and were able to help us out with the big move up the road a few days later.

We spent a lovely month enjoying our big new house with plenty of space for us and Mark's parents and even my parents and brothers who also came to stay at various points. We were able to have Noah dedicated at church on the 11th of February, and it was fantastic to have both sets of grandparents there on the day and many of our friends. Then the five of us (Meg, Mark, Mark's parents and Noah) went on a 5-day road trip around the South Island starting at Picton, and driving to Christchurch the first day. We spent a lovely hour or so in Kaikoura and we're pretty sure we saw a whale in the distance driving along the coast, and we also enjoyed a gorgeous winery lunch in Waipara Springs.

Day Two was the absolutely awe-inspiring drive from Christchurch to Greymouth over Arthurs Pass. Mark's parents took the TranzAlpine scenic train over while we drove in our car. We had perfect weather, and got some stunning shots. It's hard not to put about a dozen shots in here from that day as the scenery was ever changing ever few minutes from the plains of Canterbury, to the heights of Castle Hill and the Pass itself and then the lusher West Coast side complete with beautiful lakes where we stopped for lunch.

Day Three we spent on the West Coast at Shanty Town (a pioneer village), Hokitika for a cafe lunch and a view of Mt Cook and the Southern Alps in the distance and around Greymouth. Day Four we drove up the West Coast past Punakaiki (Pancake Rocks) and stopped for lunch at the Bayhouse Cafe which had been highly recommended (and rightly so to us) by some locals. We couldn't believe how warm and tropical the weather was this day, we all felt like we were on an island somewhere and not on the notoriously soggy West Coast!

Day Five was a drive through some gorgeous wine country, to brunch at a cafe in Havelock and a stunning drive back through the Sounds to Picton. All in all a magical time, and a holiday that we'll never forget!

Mark's parents had no sooner left at the end of February when 2 days later Mark had a run-in with a tree root whilst off-road running early on a Saturday morning. After 20 stitches and 3 weeks of rest, he was back on the road to recovery. It did however make being an at-home Dad looking after Noah somewhat of a challenge as he was pretty restricted in what he could do without bending his knee. As it turned out, Mark's 3 months at home with Noah only ended up being 2 when a place became available at one of our preferred daycare centres in the centre of Wellington and we felt we really should take it even if it was a month earlier than planned. So Noah spent a week settling in and started full-time on the 26th.

We took our first long road-trip up to my parents to stay in their newly built house in Hamilton over Easter, and decided after doing so that it's not a trip to be done lightly with a baby! What would usually take us 6.5 hours took 10 hours with 3 stops along the way for Noah to have a stretch, food and some playtime! We were again blessed with great warm weather (and were in fact overdressed for the few days we were up there). We were able to catch up with both my brothers which was pretty special as Nic then left to go and live in Sydney and attend bible college for 2 years (having just finished the very long but satisfying project of building M&D's house himself) and we also saw a property that Sam has bought out in Raglan and has plans for development etc. On the way home, we stopped in Taihape for a break which is where we took this gorgeous shot which is one of our favourites of Noah. Lucky he looks so cute at that very moment as we then had to endure 2 hours of crying once we left Taihape and he wouldn't sleep. What a way to spend your 30th birthday (me) and 29th birthday (Mark), travelling in the car with a crying baby! We got home in the end and treated ourselves to pizza and wine and I was also able to celebrate in style a week or so later when we had a whole lot of friends over one Saturday afternoon.

Noah settled in really well to day-care but we had to take the good with the bad in that he came down with 2 bad cold/flus in 2 weeks, then when we had just gotten over that, he had more time off when he sprung 4 new teeth in a week and was a bit miserable. No sooner had we rallied, and he was off again with hand, foot and mouth disease (a bit like mild chickenpox but highly contagious so he was at home again for a few days). So in a 2-month period we worked out that he had about 10 days off sick which apparently is par for the course with most kids who start daycare as they just get every bug under the sun until they start to build up an immunity.
In May we also spent a lovely weekend up in New Plymouth visiting my gran and my parents also came down to stay. We particularly enjoyed the breaks we took in Wanganui on the way there and back, as we found two beaut little cafes to visit which were child friendly. Noah particularly enjoyed the fountain and climbing up the steps to the Sargent Gallery!

June was a pretty hectic month for us, with nothing much of note on but it just flew by all the same. I helped co-ordinate a 7-week antenatal course which saw me out every Thursday night, and in the last week of June Mark was away a couple of nights in Auckland which I found a bit challenging on my own (not helped by a puncture in the stroller tyre which made it a little tricky to get home from town and even trickier to fix having never done it before!). We have just had my gran down to stay for the weekend which was wonderful. Even though the weather was soggy and we couldn't do anything outdoors we still had a lovely time. On the Sunday we all went to our antenatal group's combined 1st birthday for the 8 babies who will be turning one in the next 6 weeks (Noah included!). It was fun to see everyone as it had been a good couple of months since we had seen all the babies and they had all developed a lot during that time. At the moment we are just loving our time with Noah, June was a huge month of development for him, he started waving his arms (his equivalent of dancing to music), clapping, walking (with the aid of a trolley/walker) and saying 'hiya' or 'riya' to be more precise. We're taking loads of video of him at the moment since its so important to be catching these milestones when they happen and so we can share them with others!

Looking ahead
Well now that we have the webpage up and running, I'm aiming to update it with our happenings at least weekly (how well we do against that will remain to be seen but that is the plan!). Well we hope you have enjoyed this little update as much as we have enjoyed writing it and will look forward to many more in the weeks to come as we do fun family things together, watch Noah grow and share in lots of little milestones along the way.