16 November 2015

A Kiwi Christmas Gift: Hidden Gems of NZ 2016 Calendar

The horrifying fact is that it's less than 40 sleeps till Christmas and that's enough to send me into a bit of a tailspin, not to mention when I consider how little Christmas shopping I've actually managed to do thus far. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has grand plans about what to get their nearest and dearest and then 3 weeks later I'll be the same one standing in a queue at Farmers late night shopping in a mad rush grabbing something just for the sake of it - tell me I'm not the only one?!!

Over the past year or so, I've had the opportunity to photography some incredible locations around NZ - many of them hidden in remote countryside like The Three Sisters rock formations at Tongaporutu, the secluded, wild beach at Waikawau which is accessed only by a foot tunnel carved out of the rock 100 years ago, the Archway Islands reflected in Wharariki Beach near Farewell Spit, and the walk to Baring Head lighthouse on the south coast of Wellington.

Each of these locations are breathtaking in their own right and all for quite different reasons. What appealed to me most about including them in my 2016 calendar is that very few of these locations are typical 'NZ calendar' shots that you might see if you pick up a commercial calendar in a shop.

This year's calendar is a generous size - A3 spiral bound printed on gorgeous glossy card by a Kiwi owned company - I do love being able to support NZ businesses with my photography too!

Grab a little slice of NZ paradise for you or your loved ones' walls this Christmas with a limited edition Hidden Gems of NZ 2016 calendar.

Calendar costs include free shipping worldwide:

$30 for 1 calendar (NZ)
$50 for 2 calendars (NZ)
$35 for 1 calendar (Australia)
$40 for 1 calendar (rest of world)

Email me on photos at meghanmaloneyphotography.co.nz to place your order today, leave a comment below or visit my Photography Page to pay via Paypal.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and encouragement of my wee photography business - it means so much!

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