I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
School Fair
Being recently lacking in mobile photography since my iPhone is away getting fixed after I dropped it on the garage floor, I've found it quite hard to remember to take another camera out and about. So no surprise then that I totally forgot to take one with me to the school fair on Saturday, it was just lucky I had a trusty companion in Jackie to snap a couple of shots of the boys with the Rugby World Cup for me!
We were so lucky with the weather, it was warm and no wind, and we spent a good 2 1/2 hours there soaking in the atmosphere, eating way too much good food (I suffered horribly afterwards after eating too many pork buns and burgers), and enjoying all the games and revelry.
There was face painting, bouncy castles, paintball, gumboot toss, lucky duck dip, ring toss just to name a few. The funniest game though was the plate smashing. Noah had a turn first and did OK with his 3 shots rebounding off a plate here and there (the game was throwing a hard cricket ball at a bookcase with plates stacked vertically to aim at). Then Mylo stepped up and smashed 3 different plates clean off the bookcase one after another That boy sure has some great hand-eye coordination.....which he totally doesn't get from me! The people running the stand couldn't believe it and said it was the best effort of the day. High fives all round for Mylo!
Hawaiian Pulled Pork
Loving this awesome recipe that Ange from Tall, Short and Tiny shared the other week. We made it, and I loved it so much I may or may not have had nearly six small helpings...ahem! It also made for a yummy addition to fried rice the following night.

New windscreen wipers
Isn't it funny what you put up with and then wonder how on earth you did? I'd noticed for ages that the windscreen wipers on the old Camry I run around in were getting a bit past it. I mean the sound of metal scraping on the windscreen was probably as good a clue as any right?! But for whatever reason it took me ages to mention to Mark, and when I did I was most surprised that he said he had a spare pair hanging around in the garage, installed them that night.
Even though it wasn't a rainy day, I made sure to give them a good work out on the way to town the next morning, it really did feel like a case of 'I was blind but now I see!'
Hobbit Baggage Carousel

Loving how much Welly has embraced hosting The Hobbit premiere this week. Mark came back from Christchurch last Friday and said the baggage carousel was just as cool as it looked in these photos. And the life size Gandalf outside the Embassy theatre watching over proceedings is further proof of how much we love to show off Middle Earth.
I see these funny quotes all the time, some make me laugh more than others. This one is uncomfortably close to the truth though! Of course I can go without coffee, I just choose not to! Ha ha.

Summer is here
It's officially summer tomorrow....yee ha! And the countdown is on to Christmas! We have a list of fun pre-Christmas activities to make our way through, and lots of building excitement with various family here from overseas this summer!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!