♥ Toothless ♥
Noah's new nickname for himself is Toothless now that he's lost both his front teeth. I have a feeling he might have got this name from the dragon on How to Train Your Dragon.
The tooth fairy has been a busy girl these past couple of weeks. Two bottom teeth at $2 a pop = $4 for one happy toothless kid who is not even five yet! Mind you, he's not really even toothless as the two adult teeth are growing quickly into place. Did anyone else think they look massive compared to the baby teeth beside them when their kids fell out...!
♥ Pinning in Real Life ♥
Loving the sharing of creativity that is going on at Pinterest right now. Loving having new crafty ideas to try out. Loving that I attempted my first Real Life Pin this week! To be sent to a special someone with love!
♥ The case of the disappearing Meghan ♥
Oh dear what disaster has befallen the wearer of the yeti boots?
Fear not, there was no alien abduction here, just a super quick exit from the pyjamas that left them still attached to the boots! Ha ha!
I looked down at what had happened and it looked so funny I just had to take a picture!
♥ Rainbow Wristies ♥
What can I say? Love love love love love. I so WANT me a pair of these. This is another of my recent pins from my latest addiction to Pinterest. I wonder if I wink longingly enough someone might take pity on me and knit me a pair? Nana, Grandma, any takers?
♥ Camera Simulator Site ♥
Do you get as confused as me about the effects of aperture, shutter speed, ISO and how to magically work them all together to create amazing photos? Well here's a little online tool where you can play around with all the various combinations and see the results on the same pic. Ace, I tell ya!
♥ Project Pinata ♥
Project Death Star Pinata is go! We're now four layers into this, and now the next task is to pop the balloon (eek!) inside and then create the famous inverted superlaser bit. This is the real-life attempt so far:
Hoping the finish product will look even vaguely like this by the end!
♥ 10,000 Bags of Hope ♥
I saw this via
Great Fun 4 Kids today and I love the commitment and belief this church has that they can do something positive to help out. And I love that they are doing something NOW, now is when it's important. When the initial rush of support and fundraising has died down as it inevitably does, THIS is when it's most important that the people in Christchurch KNOW they're not forgotten.
"Bags of Hope" might not remove the silt or fix the water supply. But it does send a message of solidarity to these stricken families from the rest of us. It says, we haven't forgotten you, we give a damn.
The artwork contained in the bag (in the red and black Canterbury colours) will be a visual reminder of that.
Each cellophane bag will contain:
A block mounted art piece (with sponsors name and town/city on the back)
A block of Chocolate
4+ Coffee/Hot Chocolate sachets
People can sponsor one bag or hundreds. Each bag will cost around $NZ5. A sponsor's name and hometown will be on the back of the artwork so the recipient knows it comes from a person, not just an organisation.
Here's the
Facebook page if you want to show the people of Christchurch we're still here and we still care. Go on, join me in getting the word out there - Like it on your Facebook page and spread it people!
♥ Mid-Winter Christmas ♥
This time last year, we were battling with the change in routines as I'd just gone back to work full-time and winter sickness was upon us, so June was a pretty dire month for us all. So we said to heck with it, let's have a mid-winter Christmas Party to have some fun as a family and forget for a day how crappy we were all feeling. By the way, it worked a treat!
This year, we've widened the "circle of trust" (to copy Jack Byrnes on Meet the Parents) to include our nearest and dearest life-group friends in the occasion. Watch this space for a hearty celebration of all that there is to love about Winter Solstice. Celebrating that we've made it past the darkest week of the year, and it's gonna be getting lighter from here on!
And not of course forgetting that it's another opportunity (despite being 180 odd days early!) to remember and celebrate what Jesus' birth on this Earth means to us all - and I'm sure He wouldn't want us to limit ourselves to celebrating his arrival to just one day a year!
Happy Weekend!