Today was a day I wished would never, ever, ever, end. It was perfect in every way.
Starting with a little early decoration of the Christmas tree. I just couldn't wait any longer. I was ably assisted by Santa's little helpers. One who found a couple of new uses for the Christmas stockings. And the other fascinated by switching the button for the LED light on the little box on and off. Ooo we do love our new decorations for the tree sent with love from English Grandma & Grandad. Thank you!
Little red robin is bob bob bobbing along quite happily in his new home.
Looks like we might need a few more trips to get rid of those flourescent white arms and legs though! Eep.
And golly gee whizz that water was cold. You can see it on Mark's face. It actually hurt my feet and I felt like I was standing in the snow. I couldn't bear it for more than a few seconds without running back to the hot sand. I know, I am a big wimp. I can't believe people were swimming. Craziness.
Watching the boys so happy digging sand holes, being buried in it (and eating it - no two guesses who that was!) equals pure unadulterated contentment for this mummy.
And what is not to love about an unseasonably warm November afternoon? A Goldilocks afternoon, not too cold, not too hot, just right.
We could have stayed all day, but it was just as nice coming home for smoothies, jelly tip icecream and a little sun worshipping whilst the littlest guy recharged his batteries with a wee nap indoors.
The smoothies and icecream must have hit the mark, as the boys found enough energy for a kick-around. And yes that is Daddy about to cop one in the gangoolies. Ha ha!
Then it was time for some jungle warfare.
And to top off the perfect day, we ate dinner on the picnic mat outside. Salad from the garden. Tick. Radler in hand. Tick tick.
This little dude enjoyed practicing his gymnastic skills on Daddy after dinner as the shadows advanced ever closer in the garden.
To get a day like this at the end of November, in Wellington, before summer has even officially begun is, well..I'd say it's unheard of.
It's what dreams and bucket lists are made of.