I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Is it a bird, is it a plane?
No it's Super Pyjama Boy. Loving this cute pyjama set complete with mask and cape sent by Grandma & Grandad from the UK for Mylo's birthday. He looks like such a skinny minny with the tight fitting pants though, it makes me giggle to see him zooming round the house in it!
Chivalry is not dead
Loving that last week at New World as I was putting my groceries on the conveyor belt, a New World employee came by and asked if I'd like some help packing the groceries in the car. I would normally have been likely to answer 'thanks, but I'm fine' but really what would have been stopping me from saying yes? Pride maybe? Let's face it, it was late on a Friday afternoon after a long week of work, I was tired and so were the boys, and his earnestness and sincerity really spoke to me. We make small talk on the way out to the car about the sunny day and the forecast for the weekend, and whilst I buckled the kids into the car, he packed my groceries away for me. I thanked him for the help, and asked his name, it was Zane. We shook hands, he went his way and I went mine. But I left that carpark with the biggest smile on my face and a gleam in my heart, faith restored for today in the goodness of man.
And when I got home that night, I made a point of emailing New World to say what a wonderful experience it had been.
Tomorrow night I'm off to WOW (World of Wearable Arts) with my mum. Can't wait. I had such a great time last year when I got shouted by a supplier, that I knew I just HAD to take my lovely mum so she could experience it too.

Making my millions
I decided that after managing to coat an entire load of washing in tissues that I am going to make my millions inventing either a) a washing machine that beeps a warning as an item of clothing gets put into it that contains a tissue or b) a tissue that doesn't disintegrate in the wash!
Crazy Colours...ready, steady go!
The countdown is on. In 48 hours our house is going to be transformed into one big craze of colour for lil mister's party. All going well, I'm hoping the lounge might end up looking a little something like this.

Source: Pinterest
Oh and I'm attempting a rainbow layer cake..eek...wish me luck! Last week I did a trial run and made a marbled version for Mylo's daycare celebration to test the depth of the gel colours out. It was heaps of fun and the kids at daycare loved it. As did my bowl lickers at home!
It was real cute seeing Mr. Bashful in the Happy Birthday hot seat at daycare telling everyone how old he was and choosing some songs to sing while they waited the cake to be cut.
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Hi everyone, due to a slight technical glitch the linky list wasn't working...but should be now...come and link up!!!