I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Tulip Time
I love this time of the year. Mylo and I took a walk down to the botanical gardens last weekend, as I didn't want to miss out on the spring bloom. It's so beautiful, but delicate too and so you always run the risk that a Wellington spring gale will blow through and destroy them, so we thought we'd better make hay while the sun shone (figuratively speaking, as it was actually coming onto rain while we whizzed round taking a few pics).
New music, old music
I know I'm a bit behind the times, but I've only just recently discovered the music of The Fray. Last week I downloaded the album How to save a life and I'm enjoying blasting it out on my iPod or on the stereo at every opportunity.
And that download was followed hot on the heels by the new Alanis album which I'm totally digging. Not just digging in fact, I'd call it all out love. Especially this song, The Guardian. .
If you were paying attention if you watched the little Happy Birthday slideshow I put together for Mylo yesterday, you'll notice that The Fray's song Look After You was the soundtrack for the first half and The Guardian was the soundtrack for the second half. I'm kinda hooked on these two songs, did ya notice?!
The skinny jean brigade
He's finally done it. Hubby has finally joined the skinny jean brigade. I thought he looked so dishy that I made him pose (somewhat reluctantly) for a pic.
There's no such thing as a gruffalo
Last Friday was monster dress up day for Noah's class. So we racked our brains and came up with The Gruffalo. I found a template for a face mask and then we cut out some card and sellotaped it on to a t-shirt to make the gruffalo's prickles and fur. Not bad for 20 minutes effort we thought.
Wicked Wagamama
We currently have this sweet deal going where every few months we get to go and do a mystery dine at Wagamama. We get paid up to a certain amount (which usually covers a starter, mains and drinks for us all), and we then have to write up a detailed report on the food, service etc afterwards and send it in. We went out last week for an early family dinner for our mystery dine. It's the 3rd time we've taken the boys and I am pleasantly surprised that they are definitely getting better with the different flavours of the food there over time. Loved the early evening views of the waterfront from our little pozzie at the front of the restaurant. Loved the yummy food and also how well they cater for kids (and for gluten-free bods like me right now).
And that my friends was our week!
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

I still haven't been to Wagamama!!! Must go! Looks like you had a wonderful evening.
Happy Birthday to your gorgeous 3 year old and I shall enjoy a cuppa whilst watching the slide show later :-)
Have a lovely weekend with your handsome boys (very nice jeans Mark!).
Sarah x
Guardian is a favourite of mine at the moment too ::))
And I'm LOVING my deck with pots of tulips in flower sooooo pretty
I love tulips! Such beautiful colours.
Will have a listen to the Alanis song, and no doubt reminisce about my uni days :)
Your hubby suits the skinny jeans - welcome to the dark side, Mark!
Have a great weekend xx
Love Tulips - gorgeous photos. Will have to listen to the new Alanis soon, and reminisce about my uni days when she was top of my play list!
Your hubby suits the skinny jeans - welcome to the dark side, Mark!
Love the gruffalo costume - Well done! and being a mystery diner? FUN! Have a great weekend
YUM Wagamama!! I love one of the vegetarian dishes I cannot remember the name but it has the most amazing sauce!!
Also the tulips at the Botanical Gardens are beautiful, we visited Welly last year and saw them. So far I have had one tulip flower appear, fingers crossed for more.
Have a great weekend!
Tulips are so beautiful and fragile...what a spectacular display.
I love the Gruffalo costume too...perfect and easy. You have gotta love hubbies that agree to pose for their wife's blog. Have a lovely weekend.
Oh Hello! I am so joining in again this week, I fell off the 'loving' bandwagon!
I love my hubby in his skinny jeans too, but he would NEVER let me post a photo of him in them ;)
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