This week has seen us doing some fairly momentous thinking about whether our future as a family really does lie in this house. Much as we would be incredibly sad to leave it, we also need to be realistic about what our priorities are as a family are. With our good friend Jules going overseas for two years, we have the opportunity to rent/property manage her place in Karori which looks as if it will work out beneficially for all of us. It would also be a great chance for us to save some fairly good money over the next couple of years for our family's future. We certainly aren't in any trouble financially, it's just that we have some long-term goals that don't necessarily marry up with staying in our house for the long-term so far better to seek out some other alternatives now which can enable us to achieve our goals. All this is dependent of course on us being able to sell our house as well so first things first...
Doing all this thinking however certainly has got my poor brain in a spin and haven't been sleeping the best as too much going on in it for me to be able to relax and go to sleep. Hopefully now that we've talked through things, we can make some concrete progress.
In other news this week, Noah has had a good week, albeit suffering from a slight virus which may or may not be a mild dose of the chickenpox. Three kids at daycare were supposed to have come down from it and were off sick, and Noah has been a bit spotty in the evenings but the spots certainly haven't developed into anything, disappearing again in the morning.
Yesterday we had our usual family outing to the shops, then a haircut for Noah (No. 3) and passport photos (the countdown is on till the big trip!). Today Mark had a 4-hour orienteering mountain bike ride with a group of friends, so Noah and I hung out at home this morning then ventured down to the gardens to catch the tail-end of the Teddy Bears Picnic. That combined with a few webcams with family and friends has made the weekend just fly by.
Not too much else to report, I think we are both pretty worn out from all the scenarios we have been discussing re the next 2 years and now just need to let the dust settle and trust in God that we are making the right decision and that the rest will work itself out over time.