Noah’s day care had a bit of an epidemic with a gastroenteritis outbreak on Tuesday and nine of the full time teachers were bedridden for at least 48 hours. This caused a little bit of concern for us as we expected the worst with Noah, and just assumed that the bug would hit him. But somehow (??) Noah managed a full week at day care and escaped the vicious little bug with ease. Daddy (me!) on the other hand got a dose that I can’t wait to forget. I won’t go into it too much, but lets just say it hit me hard and I knew about it!!!!
As I had to take Friday off, both Noah and Mummy carried on as normal as though there wasn’t even a bug, and had a great day. I was resting when they arrived home to hear Noah shouting 'Daddy, Daddy, Daddy' as the stroller passed down the street (very heart warming to know he had missed me). Mummy managed to communicate with Noah and let him know I was not well by saying/signing “daddy’s got an ‘ow’ puku” (Maori for tummy). Noah continued to keep asking mummy if daddy’s puku was still ow long into Saturday by which time I was feeling a lot better (bless his cotton socks).
Noah did have a visit to the doc’s on Thursday as one of his ribs looked like it was sticking out, but the doctor gave him the thumbs up and Noah didn’t sign the ‘ow’ word (putting his two index fingers together) whenever we touched it, but we were glad we got it checked out all the same.
This weekend was a very relaxed one. Mum and Noah did the shopping as usual whilst I stayed at home, not wanting to spread the bug. We spent some time building towers and cranes with the mega-blocks and Noah was in a great mood as you can see from the photos. Later we took a road trip to Makara (wild west Wellinton coast a half hour away) to see what animals we could see. The road to Makara is very windy and narrow, so not the most pleasant trip (as I was still feeling a little queasy), but we did stop to see a digger (OK so not an animal, but he loved it anyway), some sheep and some horses. We decided to go all the way to Makara beach, but I swear the winds were near to 100km an hour, and none of us wanted to stay…so back in the car it was.
Meghan has been on hospitality at church all day today, so it’s been one of those ‘daddy day care days’. I’ve been feeling a whole heap better today, and me and the little fella have had a ball. It started with a trip to the ducks at 8.45am, followed by the park (this week Noah was climbing up the apparatus and sliding down the slide all by himself!!), home for a sleep (Noah that is…I had a coffee and caught up on the football news from the weekend’s games), Mum joined us for lunch, we then went for another swim (which Noah loved) and then home for some tea, whilst mum went back to church.
The weather is supposed to continue for the coming week, so more bbq’s are on the agenda…
Its now Tuesday and I (Meg) came down with the lurgy yesterday, although it didn't develop into quite as violent a bug as Mark had thankfully. Instead I felt very queasy when I woke up but thankfully rather than spending the day hugging the toilet like Mark, I just felt very odd all day, wiped out and weak, dozing in bed for a lot of the day (which is not like me!), in-between trying to get some work done on the laptop from my sickbed! The great news is that I felt nearly 100% again this morning as if it had never happened and so was able to get back to normal life. Here's to a more healthy week ahead for us all!
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