25 June 2011

What you don't see....

We're all Mid Winter Christmassed out over here. Feeling full and fat and fair tuckered out! Full up of far too much good food -  2 roast chickens and a roast pork, roast veg, cheesy broccoli/cauliflower, with a pumpkin pie and sticky date pud to finish us off completely!

It was a lovely afternoon/evening celebrated with four other families - 10 adults and 6 kids, and I thoroughly enjoyed the chance to go mad with decorating the tree, and couldn't resist throwing festivity into a few other nooks and crannies around the place too :-)

The tree was up by mid-morning, gingerbread were baked by lunchtime, and carols were sung along to with great gusto on and off throughout the day.

But what these pictures don't show you is...

Poor Mark has had a really bad back since Thursday morning. It seems to flare up about once a year and so it picked a great weekend to hit - but he battled on cooking all the roast meat and veg dosed up to the hilt on painkillers - that's my hero!.

Mylo clung (somewhat unusually) like a limpet to my leg throughout the entire proceedings crying 'cuddle, cuddle' which made it near impossible to entertain and engage in more than a quick conversation here and there.

One of our life group crew had to have 3 hours of emergency dentistry during the day today, and very nearly didn't make it, but in the end battled on through the pain and numbness - we salute you!

And another of our crew came along despite not feeling very well, then decided to go home early, but didn't get far before throwing up out in the street. Get well soon love!

Ah yes, the best laid plans.....

Despite the various challenges and setbacks, I'd do it all again tomorrow.

Well maybe not tomorrow...yawn......


posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Such a better time of year to have a Christmas feast though, at Winter, rather than a sizzling Summer with that full belly, it doesn't compute. Love Posie

Anonymous said...

what a great idea Meghan!!!
love it
and appreciate the "behind the scenes" stuff too, because it is always there isn't it....
I find it just comes down to what I choose to focus on.

mmmmm wondering aobut hosting Christmas in summer....something totally our of the ordinary for my hemisphere! lol

love and light

jacksta said...

oh no!

Dee said...

:( Hope everyone gets better soon. I must say though, that midwinter chrissy extravaganza looks EPIC!!! We are going to plan ours for soon. Just wish we had a bit of snow to complete the picture. :)

Jaz from Treacy Family said...

Sounds fabulous, despite the midwinter ailments. Glad that you all were able to look past the negative stuff and enjoy each other's company. I love this idea as I absolutely love Christmas............any time of year......all year!!!!

PaisleyJade said...

Amazing what the pics don't show isn't it! Sounds like it was still such an awesome time. Love that idea.

Gail said...

Hope you're all the aches and pains clear up in a jiffy!!
Love the idea of a midwinter Christmas - good time for a bit of cheer!


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