I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Ra Ra for royalty
I made a very last minute decision to whip down to the waterfront (a 2 minute walk from work) to see if I could catch a glimpse of Prince Charles and Camilla on their whistle stop tour of Wellington on Wednesday. SO glad I did! Yes, it does look like he is pointing at me in this picture although I think he was actually pointing out a cafe behind me, I'm gonna pretend it was at me okay!
Had to laugh at Mark's reaction when I sent him the picture too.
Mark was also very stoked to see them too (separately to me a little earlier at the other end of the waterfront) . He reckons he last saw Prince Charles in real life when he was about 3 or 4, and I last saw Prince Charles when he and Princess Diana toured and our whole school went to Ellerslie Racecourse to see them when I was 10, so today was a cool moment indeed.
And I was loving the wonderful day that Welly put on - thank goodness - it was the best day in over a week!
This is the air I breathe!
I've just recently discovered the amazingness of edamame. They are otherwise known as a Japanese soy bean and packed full of goodness too. Do I have any other edamame lovers out there?!

You can buy a bag of frozen edamame and zap them in the microwave for a couple of minutes just like frozen peas. Mylo was eating them by the dozen the other night when he tried them for the first time!
VW combi van lego
If you can ignore the ridiculous price tag for a minute, I just loved the look of this cool Lego set in Moore Wilsons the other day. It would totally fit in with our Punch Buggy loving family!
I Adore
Welly has a new store for the sweet tooth! It's called I Adore and is a Japanese style confectionery outlet. The biggest attraction (I think) is the 6 flavours of self-serve frozen yoghurt, followed by an entire counter of toppings, syrups, lollies, wafer sticks that you can add to your bowl and pay by the 100g when you're finished with your amazing creation.
Also on the menu is iced tea, hot tea, bubble tea as well as traditional savoury style Japanese food like salted plums etc. It's a veritable feast for the eyes! My sister-in-law Kim has already put an order in to visit here at New Years when her and my bro Nic come to Welly!
When GF (good food) goes bad
Wraps are a favourite meal of ours. But the gluten-free wraps are a bit like eating cardboard and I can really only stomach them if Mark fries them up a little first. The other night he was out watching the Phoenix and had prepared all the inner bits and bobs for us to have wraps, but it was only upon pulling the GF wraps out of the cupboard that I had a Tui's ad moment. I'm eating gluten-free tonight.....yeah right!
Starting them young
One of our favourite things to do when the university quietens down for the holidays or exams is to go and spot the tuatara in their exhibit and run around on the overbridge (without trying making too much of a nuisance of ourselves of course!). It really is a simple few minutes of free fun that never fails to entertain these two munchkins.
I must admit I was somewhat tempted to do a runner when they were perched on top of these posts....for a minute or so anyway, ha ha!
Universal motherhood truths
I'm pretty sure I've been on the receiving end of each and every one of these, bless their little cotton socks!

Are there any that look particularly familiar to you?!! The last one happens to me all.the.time!
And that my friends is a pretty long list of loving for the week, now I can't wait to see yours!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Just love your pics of Charles and Camilla!!! Great list!
I think you should do a funny comment blog for the Charles Picture. Funniest caption wins a big prize!
Or you should blow it up and put it on the fridge. It cracks me up every time I see it!
I always love your list of things to love - you never fail to surprise (what with the GF gone bad and all!!).
That pic is priceless of Prince Charles and that VW van is mega! I saw it the other week and liked the age recommendation of '16 plus' - perhaps a joint Christmas present for you and Mark (hope Father Christmas takes note!).
Have a great weekend xxx
Love that photo of Prince Charles lol!
That dessert shop looks AWESOME! Also look at you all chummy with royalty
Have a great weekend
Yum! Edamame!!!
That is an awesome picture...the story is a great one to go with it.....my 7 year old would be so envious of anyone with that Lego kit too. xx
abd how about those royals!!!!!
for sure he is pointing at you!!!
ps no thanks to the gluten free wraps...lol
Love and Light
That confectionery shop!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhh I Want One!! what a fun post ;)
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