07 December 2008

Summertime....and the weather is sweet!

We have just been blessed with another stunning weekend to kick off the first official weekend of the summer. Today (Sunday) was especially warm, which was timed to perfection as we had a BBQ with all the kids and parents from daycare that we regularly catch up with. It was lovely to see some of the teachers come along to the outing too.

The kids had an absolute ball getting down and dirty in the sandpit and running in and out of the sprinkler. Noah wasn't too keen on the idea of going under the sprinkler and protested rather loudly at the prospect of being hosed off afterwards....but it was the only way to get clean again! After a yummy BBQ dinner, the kids went round the garden on a treasure hunt for goodie bags before retiring inside for their Secret Santa gift giving. And great fun was had by all...

Yesterday we took a walk downtown to visit the Kirkcaldies Christmas window displays which are always amazing, before a quick play in Frank Kitts Park on the waterfront and an icecream.

It has been a tiring Sunday afternoon and evening being amongst such (lovely) chaos, and I have absolutely no energy left to think of anything else to say. As I have just caught myself staring out the window daydreaming for a couple of minutes...it's probably better to let the photos tell the story from here.....

The Kirks Christmas displays delight Noah (and Mummy & Daddy too!)
Look at me, Mum....Noah getting some good air on his trampoline
Getting down and dirty in the sandpit......oh what a glorious mess!
Feeding the hungry troops...10 kids and 2 picnic mats
Noah and Maya's romantic dinner date

Treasure hunt...and we even manage to line the kids up for a photo...after a fashion!

The kids waiting ever so patiently for their Secret Santa gifts

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