We were quite used to this living in Wellington. But I have to say the difference between Saturday's amazing warmth for Mylo's party promptly followed by an insane day of thunder, crazy sized hail and the bluest-black storm clouds I've ever seen on his actual birthday while he was playing at an all-day footy tournament was quite unreal.
Still it was all kinds of warm and lovely for our little get together to celebrate our guy turning six so that was a bonus. He invited three kids from his class over for a treasure hunt and to watch the movie Home.
It was great that he felt he could invite a few kids after being at school for just a couple of months.
Mark had organised a treasure hunt with clues around the neighbourhood that would end up at the local park to find the treasure and let off some steam.
After successfully answering all the questions, the treasure was revealed.
Then it was time to let their hair down.
We had hungry and thirsty kids by this stage so it was time to come home for food and the movie.
Mylo's favourite food is Sizzlers and fries (not that healthy I know!) so that's what he got!
His favourite other food is white chocolate so it was only fitting we made him Nigella's white chocolate mud cake for his birthday cake. Boy it was tasty!
He needed a few blows to get all the candles out though.
All in all a successful pah-tay for our boy.
The next morning it was an early start to his actual birthday day as he had an all-day football tournament to get to. An early Skype with Grandma and Granddad was the opportunity to open up another fantastic dress up - Batman aka the Dark Knight.
Another fun prezzy was this meerkat-in-glasses T-shirt. I do think if Mylo was animal he would definitely be a meerkat!
Mylo and his footy team were booked to play in a 5-a-side tournament over in Hamilton from 9am - 2pm. The forecast was for pretty bad weather. They weren't wrong.
I had planned to head over later in the morning - and then this happened.
Apparently every time the kids played the weather seemed to get worse. Although they didn't get the hail I had at home, the photo below shows an almost river running outside the tent they were all huddled in. They lost their first game, and won their second game by default when the opposition didn't show - can't really blame them!
Mylo then scored a hat-trick in the 3rd game - whoop whoop - he was so chuffed, and they also won their last game to get into the semi-finals. I decided to head over to see the semi final but then didn't get there in time as they played as soon as there was a break in the weather. They were 3-0 down and in the end called it quits with most of the kids crying and miserable from the cold or injured by this point!
I made it over just in time to see Mark charging across the field in the rain to the car with the boys. I managed to catch them up and got the boys bundled into my warm car.
On the way home the clouds were crazy black around us - it was like driving through the eye of the storm. I love how the cherry trees are framed in such a stark contrast to the grass and the sky.
Unfortunately Mylo then developed a nasty fever as a result of being outside cold and wet and had to have a few days off school - at least it was a quiet week being the last week of term.
Now roll on the holidays!

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