And now here we are, already a year down the track with so much learning and so many new experiences under your belt.
- You went off to school not being able to read and now you're cranking out the chapter books almost daily (much more so than your big brother who, even though he had the ability, it took us years to convince that reading for pleasure was fun).
- You were the shining star of your summer football team with his school mates, and went straight from summer footy to winter footy without blinking an eye, continuing with your dedication to scoring lots of goals every week. In your very first game for Cambridge FC, you got Player of the Day, and in the very last game of the season too!
- This was the year you fell in love with cricket encouraged by the World Cup fever which hit NZ, this convincing Daddy to buy some light-up bails for your backyard cricket games. You can't wait to have a go at playing cricket this summer!
- You happily upgraded to a bigger bike when Noah got his new bike and you haven't looked back even though you do have a preference to stay in one gear most of the time.
- Being the youngest in the family and with the littlest legs, we ask a lot of you when it comes to keeping up with our family rides and walks and so most of the time it's hard to believe you are still just five with the distances we can manage to travel
- You have coped extremely well with a big cross-country move. We were really sad to leave behind your best wee buddy from school back in Wellington, and although you haven't made one special friend, you have settled well into your class and have happily invited four kids from class over for your sixth birthday celebrations
- After only a few weeks at your new school, despite only being five you ran with all the six year olds and came fourth in that age group - just a shame there's no interschools - you'll just have to keep running your little heart out for a couple more years
- You had a big adventure flying unaccompanied up to Hamilton with only Noah for company but you nailed it - earning the 'best little traveller' accolade from the air hostesses on Air NZ
- We still have battles at dinner time over chewy meat like beef, lamb, chicken or pork. You'd be much happier eating mince and sausages (your favourite are Sizzlers) every single night. That being said you have made much of an effort to get it down you lately and we are very proud of you for trying!
- You have become so much more adventurous in the water yet you do (like your mama) feel the cold something terrible so there's always a limit to how long you want to play in the water with blue lips and shivering
- In the junior school production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, you made a very convincing oompah loompah - orange face and all!
- When it came time for dropping off our ninja baking, you were right into the stealth maneuvers and quick getaway needed
- You conquered your great fear of heights and surprised us with just how much you enjoyed the luge in Rotorua after only 8 months before you'd point blank refused to go on the chair lift at Queenstown and this chairlift was way longer AND higher!
- You love having your hair styled and swept to one side looking all swish - just like your daddy
- You were a happy camper hanging out with your little cuzzy Maia on our Rarotonga holiday and let her give you cuddles which were so sweet to watch
- When Daddy and Noah were away on school camp last week, you missed them so much that you cried and then asked me to save the two big tears rolling down your cheek so Noah and Daddy could see them the next day
- All in all you are such an affectionate wee poppet - we love how freely you love to give us hugs. Every evening our bedtime routine includes 'special kisses' where we take turns kissing noses, foreheads and both cheeks - I do love that time of the day!
What a wonderfully exciting year it has been for you - one that we have been so blessed to watch you grow as your mama and daddy!
Happy birthday gorgeous boy!

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