We also had postponed his hospital check-up when he had chickenpox two weeks ago, and were meant to go tomorrow but guess we'll be postponing that again too! The bug has gone through daycare this week with quite a few kids affected, so it was probably inevitable that Noah came down with it too.
So we've had a very quiet weekend, Noah has pretty much spent most of the weekend in front of the TV sitting on his Bob the Builder couch watching Finding Nemo over and over, and I think he just about knows it back to front now! We also bought Ice Age and Garfield this afternoon for a bit of variety, but even so, Nemo is clearly still the favourite!
Otherwise, it has been a fairly uneventful week, Noah is continuing to learn and take in so many new things, he's very good at recognising his primary colours now (red, yellow, green and blue), has enjoyed drawing with his new art desk, and also has had fun spotting the full moon most nights on the way home , and bouncing out of bed to look for the lone star (which is probably a planet) we can often see out his bedroom window morning if the skies are clear.
Noah uses up all his 'lello' blocks to build a tower as tall as him, and then enjoys knocking it over again
He's also started to sing to himself some of his favourite songs...which is too cute. We can often recognise the odd line from Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Baa Baa Black Sheep. Then this weekend he was singing something that we just couldn't figure out, until I finally clicked this morning that it was 'Ting Tang Walla Walla' as in 'Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang' from The Witch Doctor song. We first started playing it to him through a version of the song we found on YouTube when he was about six months old after Grandad had sung it to him. More recently, we resurrected it and sung it while we were over in England with Grandma & Grandad, and how amazing that it has stuck in his little memory bank since then!
Well onto another week, and our one and only wish is that we might all stay healthy....!
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