We put new batteries in these toys after months without, and quickly remembered that actually there was a very good reason for leaving them without batteries!!!
The first week back was very uneventful (hence the lack of blogging!!) and it was more of a time to get our body clocks back into sync and Meg’s study back in the groove. The weather was amazing, even if it was 6-7 degrees colder than what we left in the UK. Daycare welcomed a new Noah back with open arms sporting heaps more speech and confidence (although Daddy leaving him each morning still isn't going down too well).
Last weekend (24th and 25th May) the weather decided to turn and we were treated to a very nasty winter blast coming up from the South Island. So a nice couple of ‘indoor’ days at home entertaining friends (Andrew and Leonie and their 3 boys) on the Saturday and church on the Sunday was in order. It was great to catch up with Andrew and Leonie who we haven’t seen for nearly 2 years and their 3 boys, Jacob, Luca and Jaime. Noah absolutely loved having company and showing off all of his toys.
Noah discovers that nappies make a good leaning tower to practice diving on
The last week has been a busy one for all of the family. Noah’s day care thought he had “Hand, Foot and Mouth” disease again, but luckily he didn’t. Meg has been studying hard for her next workshop in one week’s time and I have been out three nights with Netball, the new Indy movie (average – but that’s just my opinion) and on Friday I had work drinks, which didn’t finish up until 1am!!
This weekend is a long one in New Zealand (Queens Birthday) and our last for a few months!! So far we’ve done a bit of shopping (including a trip to Toy World for Noah where he played with a wooden Thomas the Tank Engine set for half an hour and could not be persuaded to leave!) and had some friends over today for lunch and afternoon tea.
At Toy World we bought Noah a (Playmobil) Pirate as when he was with Grandma and Granddad he fell in love with all of Daddy’s and Uncle James’ old Playmobil Pirates!!! Actually it turned out to be the only way to get him to leave the train set! Daddy also bought himself a Nintendo Wii (Wow Wii…) but has been warned under no uncertain terms that bans will be put in place if housework is not completed!! For those of you who have no idea what a Wii is…well imagine playing video games and actually being part of it (i.e. if your playing Tennis, you swing your arm like a Tennis player to hit the ball).
Today was a little more relaxed with Mum at church (her last hospitality day for a wee while as she's taking a break until the study is over later this year at least). The usual Sunday morning stroll to the ducks for Daddy and Noah was topped off with his new favourite ‘thing’….the Wellington cable car. Because I had a couple of nights where I stayed late after work, Mummy and Noah treated themselves and took the cable car home those nights, much to Noah’s delight.
Mark, Noah and Riley enjoy bouncing on Willy the Whale
Becky and Jonny came over for a late lunch (pancakes, bacon, banana and maple syrup) and then Sarah, Paul and Riley joined us all for afternoon tea. Again, it was great seeing all of our friends what with Becky 6 months pregnant (and glowing), Sarah and Becky being old work mates and watching Noah play with Riley. It really is amazing how well his confidence has come on since his trip to England and it doesn’t feel like there is anything that is holding him back. It really was a watershed experience for him having to meet and mix with so many different people whilst we were away that it has boosted his confidence no end and is great for us to see.
Noah shows off his 'tin-soldier' hat
Meg has gone off to church this evening to finish up her hospitality duties which has given me the chance to earn some brownie points for, a) not playing on the Wii all night and, b) doing the blog without being asked…..
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