I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
The 2-second rule
I saw this on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and I will admit I've caught myself in a number of these decision tree moments from time to time. Tell me are you a 2-second, 3-second, 10-second or 'no way Hosea' when it comes to food being dropped on the floor?!
Brothers doing it
For a while Noah's enjoyed the freedom of us dropping him at the end of our very short dead-end street and walking back the 50 or so metres to our house. Mylo has also caught on, and last week I snapped this cute pic of the brothers doing it together, hand in hand. Aw!
Vintage goodness
I walk past this shop every day on my way to work, and it sure does remind me of a certain Faery Sarah that I know. I've never walked past when it's been open, but it sure looks cool from the outside.
The best laid plans
Loving making the best of a bad situation. The other weekend we were meant to be catching up with some friends who we hadn't seen in ages. They have a kiddy Mylo's age and another littlie who is about 5 months old. We'd arranged to go out to Upper Hutt (a half hour drive) to meet up for morning tea at their place. Or so we thought.
When we got to their place, we knocked on the door. No answer. We called and found to our dismay that they were nearly at OUR place. Doh! I may or may not have told Mark he was a total egg for not confirming properly around the location, but in the end we managed to meet up half way at Mitre 10 Mega in Petone for coffees and scones while the kids ran around in the indoor playground. So all was not lost!
My Pasifika buddy
Loving this lil dude. What is NOT to love about a kid who embraces his Island look?!
Remembering what's important
A few weeks ago, we had a very vivid, visual reminder of how quickly life can change in the blink of an eye. Mark had just arrived home from indoor football and came running in the house telling me there was a 2-storey house fully engulfed in flames across the valley from us (about 150 metres away). We went out into the cul-de-sac (me in my pyjamas and all) to watch in fascinated horror for about 20 minutes as 8 fire engines battled to bring the blaze under control. Luckily the lady and baby had already made it out safely and no one was harmed in the blaze.
As it turns out Wellington is a small place, and my bosses friend lived right next door to the house that was destroyed, and his friend's house was also a write off from the incredible heat of the flames - pretty much everything in his house had been melted. And all because a teatowel had been put over a lamp to dim the light for the 7-month old baby to go to sleep.
Needless to say, we checked our smoke alarms were still working over the next few nights and revisited again our own fire escape plan. It sure was a reminder to think about our family's safety and made us incredibly thankful for God's care and protection over our home and lives.
Not wanting to end this week's loving on a completely somber note, here is the cutest, funniest video I think have EVER seen of pandas. Don't you just want to give them a big cuddle?
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

That video is totally gorgeous!! xxx
love the flow chart. So true!
Its good to get the kids starting off walking up the road by themselves. I did the same thing with Miss joy for a while. Now the two older ones are capable of walking to school by them selves. But you have to start somewhere right?
Aw thanks goodness no one died in that fire!
It's so sad to see the things that people build into a home destroyed but also so wonderful no lives were lost. Love your boys walking together - SO sweet!
6 seconds. That's our rule :)
A lot to be thankful for here xx
3 second rule for us! so sad about that fire but the rest awesome! Love the cuddly pandas!
oh my that is full on re the house! and a good reminder... i was really "convicted" by the ad with the father putting the smoke alarms in the house and his daughter watching, with burns... went and checked the ones we had and brought another one!
cute kids - love the fro!
i have a no second rule for me - i have lots of food allergies so if it even goes on the bench off my plate or off the board its discarded. feels sometimes very OTT but works at keeping us healthy!
ps that last comment was from me, claire @ http://onepassiononedevotion.wordpress.com/
haha, we are having such a laugh here at the flow chart... are you a megalosauras... hehehe
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