I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Getting jiggy
Loving how much fun both boys had at the disco last week. Mylo gatecrashed the first half an hour and was merrily wandering around with his flashing baton soaking up the atmosphere while Noah and his mates got high on sugar, soft drinks and funky tunes.
While the
Mark was away last weekend having some bloke time with his mates. I had a great old time with the boys, who were beautifully behaved (for the most part) which may or may not have had anything to do with the fact I had promised them dinner at McDonalds if they tried really hard to get along and be helpful during the weekend.
We have a bit of a thing about Maccas in our house. Mark has chosen not to eat there since he lost 30kg weight 8 years ago, so we have never taken the kids there to eat a meal before. Well I do take the kids there from time to time to get a 60c kiddy cone but that's about it.
So the excitement factor was pretty high when we rolled up to get 2 Happy Meals and I was quite amazed by the mix-n-match choice for a kids Happy Meal these days - I'm so out of touch! Back in my day there was only the choice of cheeseburger or hamburger, and now you can have a wrap, fruit bag instead of fries, water, orange juice, a shake or a fizzy drink - it kinda blew my mind. And the tacky Skylander Giants toys blew their little minds too.
Balloon-powered Internet
Loving the concept of Internet being available anywhere in the world thanks to this ground-breaking idea by Google - trialled as a world first in NZ last week.

Who said winter was dull?
Loving that even though we traditionally think of winter as grey skies and rain, I was able to capture these gorgeous shots over 2 days last weekend.
Loving how still the air was (almost unheard of at Karori Park) at Noah's football - the smoke from the houses with open fires in the vicinity was just hanging in the air and not dissipating at all.
Loving this gorgeous sunrise that greeted my 7am Saturday morning.
And loving the brilliance of this rainbow (it was even a double) from my office window.
A long time between overs
Loving that Noah got an award in assembly last week. It's been a long time since the last one which he got nearly 2 years ago within about 3 weeks of starting school. Not loving that we didn't know he was getting it or one of us might have tried to get to assembly to see him be presented with it. But loving that he was so chuffed with being recognised in any case - he couldn't WAIT to get the certificate out of his bag after school to show me!
Our planet - worthy of inspiration
Loving all the truly awe-inspiring facts about Earth over here at Stuff. Mind bogglingly awesome facts about our world.

It's all up from here
Loving that today (or maybe it's tomorrow) is the shortest day. I often find it strange that the shortest day doesn't coincide with the middle of winter - it feels like it should, but nevertheless it is a mental hurdle to get over knowing that after today the days will only get lighter and longer (and eventually warmer!).
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

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That balloon idea sounds interesting and looks pretty too. Your soccer photo looks familiar. I'm actually enjoying the community of soccer this year more than I have before- an attitude readjustment has helped. Thanks for hosting things I'm loving. I enjoy joining in and being thankful. Cx
glad you had a good weekend - solo parenting is hard work xx
today today today is the shortest day!
and I love the school disco photos - Philosopher was HORRIFIED to find out they DANCED at the school disco
Yay for good weeks and fab boys! My big girl had her first disco a few weeks ago - talk about grown up! Have a fab weekend x
Congrats on the certificate...clever little guy. Looking forward to seeing some of your beautiful weather in just two weeks. Have a lovely weekend. xx
its a beautiful life Meg!
love and light
The boys are so delicious! And absolutely love the photo with the rainbow!! x
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