I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Karori Kids
This year Noah's football team missed their official photos as no-one could make the photo session on the day. Loving that one of the parents thought to get a candid version instead. Way more fun in my opinion!
Live at the bus stop
I love this gag - but even more so people's responses as well.
When blogging pays
So ya'll know we're heading off to the UK in less than 2 months. Inspired by a conversation I'd recently had with Vicki from Vegemitevix via Facebook, I decided to try my luck with approaching 3 of the tourist experiences we'll be visiting on our time away to see if we could possibly get any free or discounted tickets in return for a review of their establishment. I was honestly blown away by the response. One free ticket for each place would have been a pretty good result in my opinion, so when I got a response that we'd been given four free tickets for 2 out of the 3 places, I was pretty gobsmacked - $500 worth of tickets. Wow. Now the pressure is on to write good reviews though...eek!
The force is strong with this one
Loving that in the middle of some mega light saber battles I caught a very forceful look - Mylo putting on his best Jedi pose. Loving when weekends call for PJ's past 10am and no-one cares.
Conquering the monkey bars
Noah was most excited to show me how quickly he can make it to the top of the monkey bars these days. I was busy capturing his happiness when a little flash of red photo-bombed the picture. Mylo had a red dress up day at daycare for Heart Awareness week that day, and came home with his face painted AND fingernails too!
When things just go
Don't you love it when you buy an item (in this case those flowery pink pants) and you found you can make a whole outfit with what's already in the wardrobe - in this case a gorgeous necklace I was given by my old work colleagues as a farewell and a jacket that I've had for years. Result.
And then there was SILENCE
Hubby bought some noise cancelling headphones the other day. Not just any old headphones but Usain Bolt headphones - they do look a bit gangsta don't they! And the sound quality through them is immense. He tells me it's so he can enjoy our international flights all the more with good sound quality, I'm just hoping it's not because he's going to try and block out the sound of our children's requests!
Birdsong medley
Come to the gully Mum with me after school, says Noah. There's been kaka and tui there every day. We go and I admit thinking that we'll have to be lucky to be in the right place at the right time. I needn't have worried. We count four kaka and three tui in the fully-flowering kowhai tree in the five minutes we are there watching and listening.
It is a stunningly beautiful sound, isn't it?
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

I absolutely love the sound of NZ Birdsong, it makes me feel so good!!
I am blown away by you getting all those free tickets! AMAZING!! I look forward to your reviews!!
so many awesome things again - kids really fill up our lives dont they :) You guys must be getting so excited about the trip! Have a great weekend x
SO exciting your trip is so close.
That is a lot of good things to love
and I'm loving those pink pants - go you
My fil has noise cancelling headphones and we have borrowed them, they are really good for long trips as you don't hear the planes jet engine the whole trip and then your loud music over top. It reduces jet lag hard out! Xx
Gosh not sure what happened to Friday, or last week...or the weekend for that matter....nice to catch up on your loves though....how cool to earn some bonuses for your trip. You must be so excited about it coming up so fast. xxx
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