This week has seen Noah bounce back remarkably well from his operation. Monday was his last day with nanny Michelle, and then I took the day off on Tuesday to pick up Mum from the airport and we spent a nice afternoon reacquainting Nana and Noah.
Then it was Nana daycare Wed - Fri and by all accounts a lovely time was had by both. Noah enjoyed lots of book reading, cuddles, playing with Murphy, spying the wind turbine from various windows and chilling out watching Baby Einstein DVDs - all of which has aided his recovery no end. We have also noticed how many new words Noah is trying to say, tractor - 'takta', spider - 'pieda', cheese - 'shees' and doing the sign for milk whilst saying 'mmmuhh' and wanting to knock on things whilst saying 'noh noh'. Too cute and nice for Nana to hear them first hand too.
On Saturday morning, the four of us went to Chocolate Frog for brunch and the seat we chose just happened to have a fantastic view of ALL the planes taking off from the airport. Noah was in seventh heaven every few minutes when one flew right past the window.
Strangely, he had thrown up in the night which usually signals him needing to get something out of his system, and as it turned out it sparked a sudden change in his eating, as he had been incredibly fussy with his food for the past few weeks. However, Saturday morning it was like he had a new lease of life after getting rid of whatever was in his system, and he proceeded to eat like a horse all Saturday and in fact has been much more the Noah of old for the rest of the weekend! Yay. You could have knocked me down with a feather that this included a packet of raisins on Saturday afternoon, and then 2 whole bananas and 2 packets of dried apricots/apples over the course of the weekend. For a boy who doesn't eat fruit it was somewhat of a breakthrough! Small steps...
After dropping Mum back at the airport on Saturday night, I enjoyed a girl's dinner out with my girlfriends from lifegroup at One Red Dog. As well as a general catchup with the other girls, it was a lovely chance to see Vinnie who I hadn't seen since Christmas and who was just down for a few days from Tauranga. Noah and I went to church together on Sunday morning, dropped Vinnie at the airport, did some gardening, and then caught up with Tracey & Dayne & kids for afternoon tea before Mark then popped out to watch Wellington Phoenix play football at the stadium.
Today we hung out together at the park this morning when it was bitterly cold as a brief southerly blew through, and then this afternoon we took advantage of a gorgeous sunny afternoon, planting some Italian & cherry tomato plants and rocket lettuce in the garden (to help fulfil Mark's dream of becoming Jamie Oliver down under!) Noah loved 'helping' with his plastic trowel getting stuck into whatever dirt he could find whilst we endeavoured to keep one step ahead of him, popping the seedlings into the garden and pots for growing. We're hoping seeing them grow will encourage Noah's interest in eating vegetables too. Now if we can just keep that pesky cat Murphy from digging around the new seedlings we'll be doing's certainly not for lack of staking all the freshly dug areas that's for sure.
Unfortunately we have been a bit slack with the camera this week (we didn't even manage a photo of Nana and Noah together which was very remiss of us), and today when we remembered to take some photos the batteries ran out... so all we have to show for our efforts are a couple from our expedition to the park and a few shots of what the garden is looking like.. oh well it is something different for a change!
Tomorrow Noah starts daycare full-time, and hasn't that come around nice and quickly!
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