Dad’s turn to write the blog this week…so short and sweet is the order of the day (although I’m sure I say that every time?)
We’ve had a busy week in our own jobs as well as keeping the house relatively tidy on the off chance a last minute buyer wanted to come and see the house. No one came and as it happened no tenders came in either. We weren’t surprised as the market really is flattening (even more so since we went on the market). We did agree to one more open home today (arrgghhhh – more blooming cleaning!!) but it was for the benefit of one interested party who could make a bid tomorrow night. So more waiting…but it’s going to have to be a really good bid to make us move!! Watch this space….
Noah is really starting to think about what he is going to say now with a massive ‘Ummmm’ before every gargled word or group of words. It’s quite cute actually…and I’m definitely blaming mum for that one!
This weekend consisted of a trip to the Kelburn Fair (with Jules aka Baba) for the first time ever!! Seeing that we’ve lived in the same area (Kelburn) for the last 5 years – it was well overdue. Daddy managed to get Noah a very cool ‘Scoop’ digger (from Bob the Builder) for only $1 from a jumble sale (like father like son…ha ha), but that very rare limited edition Swatch watch still eludes me….
A snarler (sausage), a nutella crepe and some fudge went down a treat whilst we also managed to get Noah a really cool blow up 747 Jumbo Jet.
Saturday afternoon was taken up with cleaning (booooo) and by the time we had finished, we decided just to stay at home and played with Noah’s toys (including the new digger…).
Meg’s been at church pretty much all day today, doing her hospitality bit so Noah’s been a lucky boy to spend all day with Daddy (ha ha). We started off this morning taking a trip to the ducks on our way to Jules, where we would spend lunchtime whilst the open home took place. We decided to go to her place via some real life diggers (that Dad has found on his morning running sessions) and unfortunately on the way Noah got stung by a bee!!! Daddy reacted pretty quickly scratching the sting out (something I had only learnt this week??), and then attempting to suck the venom out (probably not the best thing to do when your allergic to the stuff!). But Noah handled it very well, only crying for a couple of minutes and then proclaiming to Daddy that his hand was “ow”? Bless him….Luckily, the sting didn’t swell too much and some homeopathic medicine from Baba (Jules) settled him down nicely.
The day was topped off with a trip to the park to where Noah ‘zoomed’ down the slide on his tummy over and over again. Poor little man has been suffering with a bit of a dodgy tummy this weekend (we think some new teeth are making an appearance – yippee), so the trip was stopped short when Noah “Sharted” (pip popped and followed through at the same time)…nice!! Without a change of nappy on hand, we had to high tail it picking a few wild blackberries on the way and eating them.
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