22 December 2010

Helping out - just for fun

I was flicking through Facebook the other night (as you do!) and I saw on my friend Laura's (who works for Mountain Buggy/Phil and Teds) status that the Mountain Buggy website has just re-launched.

Which wouldn't normally be cause for pause. Except you just might recognise a familiar face or two (or four) on the main Mountain Buggy page (click here) - you do have to wait until the slideshow gets to the Duo (double buggy) model.

Oh...and there just might be a familiar face on the Travel System page under Accessories too. Just sayin.

It's always nice to be able to help a friend out. And it wasn't too strenuous helping out on such a gorgeous Wellington day either :-)

Check out how ickle the little guy looks so compared to now though! Eek! Where does the time go?!


Jason and Jacinda Papps said...

That's a great photo of the 4 of you!!!

Widge said...

Awesome photo!!! what a HOT family :)

Sammy said...

What a great photo! Famous!

Mika said...

woohoo celebrities!
By the way, did you get a chance to see the Temple Lights in Templeview while you were in Hamilton?


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