08 January 2011

The Pretenders

Most of the time we probably act like an old married couple. Forget to tell each other things, nag at each other (well that's me more than him), and often forget to even talk to each other at night when we've both got our noses buried in our laptops doing our various hobbies (me blogging, him reading football forums and browsing Ebay and Trade Me for latest bargains).

We might occasionally remember to give each other a kiss when we're saying goodbye, and the odd 'I love you' might escape our lips from time to time.

Sound familiar to anyone?!

When my brother Nic asked us if we'd mind doing a 'pretend' photo shoot so he could get in some wedding shot practice prior to his first ever professional wedding shoot (which is today - good luck Nic!), we were happy to help out. So we headed off to Hamilton Gardens (where else?!) after the kids were in bed, and played 'bride and groom' for the evening while Nic went Japanese tourist-tastic with his ace camera and lenses.

Of course the night wouldn't have been complete without Mark (ever the joker) playing the fool in a few shots which had Nic cracking up and just about unable to steady his hand to take a good shot. Needless to say those ones didn't make this cut.

I'm wondering whether we may have just rekindled a little something along the way that night. Perhaps we don't need to pretend to be young and in love? Perhaps we really are.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you today Nic for your first official foray into wedding photography. If you can put up with your silly goose of a sister and brother-in-law and still take great shots, then you'll ace it doing the real deal!

And apologies to if you feel like you've seen just about enough photos of us lately, I promise this IS the last blog with photo overload for a bit!


Penny said...

O wow such lovely photos, ones you can frame and treasure.
What a good looking couple you are :)

PaisleyJade said...

Beautiful photos! Hope his wedding shots went well - such an awesome idea to practise and great for you guys too. xoxo

Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous photos - lucky you having a brother who is obviously a dab hand at photography! I'm sure the wedding will have gone GREAT!

Leonie said...

what gorgeous photos!! something to treasure.

Sarah Gauntlett said...

oooh i LOVE that one taken from above! and the feet one! and that one of you at the top!

LOVE! fun!


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