I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Are you sitting comfortably? You'd better get comfy cos it's a cracker of a list this week!
Crazies on croc bikes
Loving spending time with our beautiful Nikki who is now winging her way back to London *sad face*. Loving that we got to hang out loads while she was here, and that last Sunday we fulfilled her life-long desire to ride a croc bike.
It turns out Wellington has had its warmest winter on record, and it's really been such a non-event of a winter (one crazy storm and 2 crazy earthquakes aside that is) so it's no wonder we found ourselves cruising the waterfront in short sleeves on a 'winters' day.
We hired the larger version of croc bike and scared the bejeepers out of everyone on the waterfront with our crazy antics and raucous laughter - I swear Nikki has the most infectious laugh ever - we nearly ran over several children on scooters - thank goodness Mark kept us somewhat under control!
It was a whale of an afternoon. And thankfully it's not that long until we will see Nikki again as we'll be camping out at her place for a night or two when we take the kids for a trip to London baby!
Mylo's mouse
Love it when kids pictures turn into more than just lines and circles and actually start to look a little bit like something! This is Mylo's mouse.
It's taken its rightful place with my other favourite artwork on the kitchen wall.
Daddy's hot dogs
Love it how Daddy comes up with cool dinner treats for the boys that look authentic to boot.
Loving it even more that Mylo had no clue it was corn-fed chicken in his frankfurter - ha ha. He has a thing about chicken and beef - mostly because he finds it chewy - so it's always great to sneak one past him.
Noah aka Roz
Love how this guy can crack me up. The other night we were minding our own business at the dinner table when out popped Roz from Monsters Inc. I laughed so hard and then had to get him to repeat it so this is Take 2.
High tea
Loving getting out the good china for no good reason other than why not?! We don't do it enough and we shouldn't always keep our good stuff for a special occasion - after all isn't every day special? Loving the gluten-free goodies that adorned our high tea too.
Loved this picture. Tickles my fancy.
One of these things is not like the other
How is it possible that my son left the house, went to church and it was only on the way out of church getting in the lift to come home that any of us noticed this - including him?!
Worn to death
It matters not to me that my son looks like a total gypsy - yes I know I could darn the heck out of those knees. But he could care less and I kinda love his holey look - a look made even more special with the socks he was wearing pulled up nearly to his knees and that also have holes in them.
And on that note, I bid you adieu.
Accompanied by a cursory farewell to Winter and a big resounding welcome to Spring - I'll see you on the other side next week!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Love this series, and the mere cat made me laugh. Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow at blog camp.
i love that mouse! It would make a great stitchery if you want to photocopy it and send it to me I'll stitch you one :o) x
what would we do without our kids who provide us with so much entertainment and stories....so glad you had a super nice time with your friend and you have that big trip to look forward to ...Happy weekend to you .xxx
Yah for Spring! Love your 'Loving' posts and it's so good to find a moment this week to link up and reflect on so much happiness and things to be thankful for, despite a few 'back to school' blips in a new country xxxx
The mouse and that mere cat! so cute! yay for trips and great friends and awesome kids that make you laugh. Have a great time at Blogcamp! x
Love love love! Miss you guys so much! I CANNOT wait to see you!!!! xx
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