20 June 2014

Things I'm Loving: end of an era

There may be a very small number of you wondering where the usual Things I'm Loving posts have gone to lately. But then again maybe no-one has even missed it (which is probably the more likely scenario!). Either way, I've decided it's time for Things I'm Loving to head into retirement in its current weekly linky form.


Like many others who've noticed comments and interaction dropping on their blogs in recent months, I've also noticed there's been a big drop-off in people joining in each week. The last weekly link got only one post linked up (thanks Nikki from Life's wonderful happenings!) compared to 6-8 each week this time last year and about 15 a week the year before.

As much as I love finding fun and interesting things from far and wide to bring you each week, some weeks it can be a massive rush to get a post out in time by Friday. Most of that pressure is self-imposed I know, and it's a bit silly thinking this but I always feel I don't want to let anyone down who might have a post ready and want to join in.

This year I've also committed to a weekly post in Project 52 and have really been enjoying being more intentional in capturing moments in the boys' lives and for now that feels like enough and where I would rather focus my efforts. Oh that and my current rekindled love affair with photography that I'm wanting to devote a bit more time and energy and therefore more blog posts to as well.

I have over the years managed to crank out near on 200 Things I'm Loving posts, firstly joining up with the gorgeous Kristy at Paisley Jade as the original creator and host of Things I'm Loving back in the day and then taking it on myself over 2 years ago. But life is full of different seasons, and this is the merely the end of a wonderful season with many other equally lovely things to look forward to ahead instead.

That's not to say I won't still write a Things I'm Loving post from time to time because there is always much to love that I'll want to share. But it just won't be week in, week out like it has been.

And so...lastly, thank you.

Thank you, all you lovely people out there who have dug deep to find things that you've loved in good times and bad. Every time you've joined in you've chosen gratitude over grumpiness, and thankfulness in spite of tiredness and trials going on in your life.

It has been my greatest pleasure to have you along with me on this journey and without sounding completely corny (but I know it does anyway, and it's too bad!) it is the thing I've loved the most.

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