08 July 2007

Crisp & Clear Sunday

Another great day. Today dawned beautiful but FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEZIN! I got a lie-in and carried on reading some more of 'A Mind Awake' which is an anthology of C.S. Lewis quotes, he really did have the most amazing mind and can explain the unexplainable in terms of Christian theology with some brilliant metaphors.

Then it was off for a bike ride. How cold!!!! I later found it was about 1 degree while I was out and my hands turned to blocks of ice as soon as I left the house and didn't warm up again till the upward homeward leg, they have continued to feel tingly for the rest of the day.

Noah and Mark had built a fantastic tower while I was out with every piece of Mega Bloks we have. Noah accidentally knocked it over and got a bit of a fright and cried, so Daddy came to the rescue and rebuilt it!

Our little pickle decided that his usual morning sleep was not on the cards this morning and in fact stayed up until 1pm which is unheard of, but then slept for 1 3/4 hours ...yeeha some peace at last!

We have had the most stunning views of the Rimutaka/Tararua Ranges covered in snow today, and the harbour has been like a mill pond! Still pretty cold out though.

2 fresh coffees with our new machine today (a bit indulgent and have felt wired ever since!) but its so quick and easy that its pretty hard not to indulge in more than one! We've also moved Noah's toy box to pride of place beside the TV, hoping that he'll be a bit more content to play while we're in the kitchen because he can see us rather than having it right over in the corner of the room. All in all a lovely day!

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