You may have wondered at the lack of a blog last week, well there was good reason for this as in our slight madness decided that we had just enough time to paint the lounge and dining room before Nana and Poppa arrived on Friday morning - this made for a completely crazy and hectic week as we raced around like mad people getting all the prep work done in the evenings, Mark painted for about 12 hours straight on his day off on Wednesday with me helping for 4 hours in the evening, and we just managed to pull all the masking tape down minutes before I left to go to the airport to pick them up! It was all worth it because it looks so amazing, and we now can't believe we waited this long to do it. We will take some photos when a) we get a nice day and b) the rooms are bit tidier to show it off in its full glory - which could be a while given the weather and the current state they're in!
We mostly spent the weekend indoors as it was yet another wet weekend, although Poppa took Noah up to the park both days for some fresh air, and we had an excursion to the shops and Cafe California for brunch on Noah's birthday. Otherwise we just had fun playing with Noah's new pirate ship (from Nana & Poppa) and the famous Thomas train set (that we had been waiting to give Noah for about a year!). It was great because Grandma in England had sent over another train (Donald) to go with the set, and we had great fun watching the trains both go around the track. We have decided that Thomas is a bit of a bully though as he is much quicker than Donald and seems to delight in catching him up and shunting him to the point where he gets pushed right off the track. Donald also has an open carriage so we have enjoyed putting various farm animals in it to go for a ride.
We had a cake (cooked by Mummy - shock horror I know I bet you didn't think I was capable! and iced by Daddy) and chippies for afternoon tea on Saturday and Noah was very quick to blow out the candles before we had even finished the song so we had to sing it twice just so we could get it on camera!
The funniest moment of the weekend is that Noah, bless him, has got it into his head that he is now three and not two. This is how the conversation goes 'And how old are you Noah?' "Three" 'Really? I think you're two' "I'm three!" 'Two' "I'm three!" 'Noah you'll be three next year, but for now you're two' "I'm THREEE!" And so it goes on, usually until we have to say 'OK I give up, you can be three'. Last week when we asked him how old he was, he would say "I'm one", but he seems to have decided to skip being two altogether. What a funny boy!
Noah receives birthday wishes from Grandma & Grandad via webcam and phone, and enjoys watching their gift Donald chug around the room

Poppa had to go back to Hamilton Sunday lunchtime so he could prepare for his busy Monday on the milk run, but we were lucky to have Nana stay on till Monday night, so she got the chance to have a whole day just her and Noah today, and by all accounts they had great fun. The same can't be said for Poppa's bag which got lost on the way back to Hamilton and this made for a much more challenging afternoon than he was planning on given his car keys were in the said bag! Anyhow all's well that ends well with that story as I believe that the bag has been found and he'll pick it up tonight when he collects Nana from the airport.
Well that's about it as far as the birthday celebrations go, but lastly, we have a very special message to send to Grandma in England from us all: Hey Grandma we send you all the love, hugs and kisses in the world, and wish you better really soon! We are thinking of you always! All our love, Meg, Mark & Noah.
p.s. Noah also says 'Grandma, do you remember the lovely hour we spent in your garden the day we flew home to New Zealand, you and I had such fun feeding the birdies bananas and watching them play in the bird bath, I still tell Mummy & Daddy about it even now. All my love, Noah xxx
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