As I sit here recovering from the extraction of 4 wisdom teeth under general anaesthetic this morning, I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm still smiling (well ever so slightly as much as the swelling and bruising will allow anyway). More to the point I have retained my sense of humour, and am having to tell Mark not to crack too many jokes at my expence since I really can't laugh. I wanted to laugh when I put the icepack on my head, feeling like something out of a bad cartoon, or maybe a rugby player stapped up after a knock to the head. My face itself looks like a cross between a boxer after a fight and Alvin, Simon, or Theodore (the Chipmunks for anyone slightly confused) - I can't quite decide which. And it feels like someone has smashed me in the jaw several times over, remind me not to ever get in a fist fight with anyone if this is how it feels!

I was more than a little nervous about the whole thing beforehand. Which in itself was slightly ironic given I've been through childbirth twice with no pain relief! But it was my first time in hospital (other than giving birth), and definitely my first time under a general anaesthetic. I'm glad I opted for the general though, given that all 4 teeth were not through the gums it wouldn't have been at all pleasant to be awake for the entire duration of the extraction. Have a couple of stitches in each hole which will disappear after a week or so.
In the end I decided to go ahead and have them out whilst I was still on maternity leave so I didn't have to take too much sick leave once I'm back at work. Also pretty relieved that our health insurance meant that having it done at a private hospital under general was even an option. Not to mention the fact that at this stage in Mylo's life, all the pureed food I have in the freezer for him has come in doubly handy for me! Since I've been home this afternoon, I've had a chocolate banana smoothie, pureed pear/nectarine for dinner, and some yoghurt for afters. Add to that the icecream and jelly at the hospital, and it's been a very yummy liquid diet so far.
I'm told the swelling will probably get worse before it gets better so am probably in for a few pretty sore days. No pain, no gain though as they say. But all in all, it can only get better from here, and I'm so relieved the actual procedure is over and done with. Here's to a much less crowded mouth in the future!
Hey there Meghan, hope you recover quickly xxx Jacinda
Wishing you a speedy recovery! You are very brave and admire the fact that you are posting up pics on the blog! Yah for that puree food too! Xx
you actually look a bit like a nun in the photo with the ice-pack :D
Get well soon from your very understanding younger brother...
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