I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Guests and hosts
OK so listen up peeps! I have some really fun stuff planned for y'all while I'm away, cos well I wouldn't want you to miss me too much! First up I have the gorgeous Cat from Catalina's Cottage hosting Things I'm Loving over at her place, so for the next four weeks you can find Things I'm Loving rocking it out over there. So please be friendly and head on over to link up some of your weekly loves with Cat.

And with all this travelling we're going to be doing I thought it would be fun have a few guest posts on the subject. So for the next four weeks you're going to be hearing from some lovely peeps who've agreed to share their travelling wisdom. So stay tuned for some terrific Travel Tuesdays these next few weeks!
Mr Flip
Love seeing the little guy getting his confidence on doing flips on the tramp. They way he flings himself with complete abandon and no care for his safety is so cool, I wish I could be that physically free.
Apparently it's a big deal turning 4. That officially marks the journey to big boy status at daycare which means you get to take in a lunchbox on a Wednesday and sit on the floor with all the other 4-year olds as part of their transition to school plan. The air was thick with excitement at our house last week. Each morning without fail Mylo asked Daddy 'is it Wednesday yet?' until the day finally arrived, and he walked into daycare with his lunchbox beaming and showed ALL the teachers.
Rocket men
That song by Elton John kind of sprung to mind when my two crawled inside this constructed rocket made by Noah's class on the last day of term.
Geek chic
I thought it would be fun to get a new pair of PJ's for the trip since most of my others are getting threadbare (read holes in the crotch that I cannot be
Before the darkness returned
I'm not complaining about daylight savings, really I'm not. I love the longer evenings and I know that it makes for even more photo-taking opportunities with the lingering twilight. That being said I have loved the last couple of weeks where on my early morning 6am walks it was light enough to capture the stillness and serenity of the dawn.
It will return, I know, but for now it's back to darker mornings so I feel blessed to have been able to get out and experience the light for those brief few weeks.
Cruel but funny
I couldn't believe how mean (though funny) this TV prank was on these poor unsuspecting interviewees. I'm not sure how I would have responded in the same situation!
Most excellent adventures
Right now, I'm hopeful we'll be winging our way across the Tasman on the first leg of our big adventure. You can be sure that we will be keeping you up to date with a plethora of Instgrams (you know it and I won't apologise for it!) and blog posts when time allows. As Noah is missing 3 weeks of school, I've made a little journal for him to capture some memories of the trip in to keep up with his writing skills. I brought it home to show Noah and the first thing Mylo said was 'where's mine?'. Ha ha, I should have known. So now we have Noah AND Mylo's Most Excellent Adventures to be recorded along the way.
So where-ever this post finds you on this middle weekend of the school holidays here in NZ, whether you're hanging out at home just chill-axing with a good DVD, whether you're at the park, on your bikes, playing sport, on a big road trip or heading halfway around the world on a jet plane, I hope you are enjoying cherished family time surrounded by the dear hearts of those you love.
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

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