A portrait of my children once a week every week in 2014
Noah: there was this one day on the holiday that was completely out of the box. We never intended to go to Lake Rotoiti as we weren't sure we could fit it into the trip and thought it might be too far to go on a day trip. Well, we found ourselves with a day to spare and thought we would seize the moment. When we arrived we made a snap decision that with the glorious weather we would take a water taxi out on the lake. Our water taxi driver was super nice, and you ended up having a great old conversation with him about Cub Scouts, and on the way back he let you drive the boat, and even put his captains hat on you. You were made up! And then when he proceeded to do some 360 degree 'bagels' (not donuts) that just finished off an amazing experience for you!Mylo: you also loved the boat trip but weren't keen on having a drive of the boat and that's OK - you do know your own mind. Later that afternoon, we played at the Tahunanui playground while Dad went to get Stefano's pizza and the gales of laughter I heard coming from you as you and Noah played on the slide chasing each other down time after time brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart.

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