Decided it was high time to update our little button. Go on and grab it for your blog today! If you have a button and I haven't grabbed it yet, let me know and we can do a right royal swapsie!

♥ School visits and the Don at Daycare ♥
Noah's had 2 out of 3 school visits, which included a 9am-11am stint on Monday on his own. Next Friday is the last one where he'll stay 9am-1pm. The teacher gave her initial observations saying that she found Noah to be 'an observer who waits until he feels comfortable before jumping into a task. But he has a great little sense of humour, I think he thinks I'm quite funny' I could have hugged her, as she pretty much hit the nail on the head about our boy. I did say that his confidence has grown in leaps and bounds over the past six months, and I know that after a few weeks he'll be right in the thick of it!
When I asked Noah what he had done during this time there, I got the typical boy response 'nothing' or 'I can't remember'. But later on, when it was time for bed he was busy telling Daddy how to write a 'W'. It goes 'down, up, down, up Daddy'. So something must have sunk in!
Noah is now the oldest child at daycare for the next 5 weeks. I went along as a parent help to Storytime at Te Papa for a couple of hours on Friday afternoon, and it was fascinating to watch him interacting with all the kids as the 'big boy'. At one point he came running up between 2 girls having their photo taken and threw his arms around their shoulders jumping right in the middle of their photo......awwwww!
♥ Little Boy, Big Digger ♥
After a whole day indoors on Sunday, Noah and Daddy hit the movies with his old daycare buddies for the opening weekend of Cars 2. I decided Mylo and I needed some fresh air, so bundled up to the hilt we braved the crisp late afternoon air. The highlight of the walk for us both was the digger parked up on the side of the road. Love how little the boy looks compared to this big, big machine!
♥ New glad rags for a date with WOW ♥
I've never been to the World of Wearable Art Awards before, nor really even contemplated it to be honest, given that the basic ticket prices start at $100. Click on the link to see a video of the extravaganza. Here's the official blurb in case you don't have the foggiest idea what I'm talking about!
The Brancott Estate World of WearableArt™ Awards Show is an annual non-stop spectacular held in Wellington, New Zealand. Artists and designers from New Zealand and all around the world enter garments that are presented in a unique two hour show.
Anyway, this year I got the surprise of my life when an invite to opening night (Thursday 25th August) turned up in the mail at work from a supplier. Well I was wowed that's for sure, and gleefully accepted!
And then, I was more wowed by this little number turning up in the post from Mum & Dad UK - a fabulous Marks & Spencers number down from $150 to $30 - unbelievable! And is it cool enough for a gal to wear along to her first ever WOW appearance? You betcha.
♥Now that's what I call a necklace ♥
My lovely friend Sally has become a bit of necklace connoisseur of late, creating these gorgeous numbers, which have been selling well at local fairs. Aren't they gorgeous? They can pretty much be made with any fabric and combination of bead to go with any favourite outfit or colour scheme you might like!
I bought the one on the left for a friend and Sally made me the one on the right for me! Aren't they a funky design?!
♥ Pinata progress ♥
It's coming along, don't you think?! Next step a layer of tissue paper, masking tape and some glitter spray!
Link up your own Loving over at this Lovely Gal's place.

Jacket and necklace are FAB!! and your boys are super-cute xx
that coat looks great on you!
Love what your loving. Your new button is so sweet. I need to get round to making space for everyone's buttons on my wee blog.
Such a great list of things - don't you love teachers that totally get your kids!?! That jacket is so awesome on you!! xoxo
Love that jacket on you!
So glad Noah's progress at his school visits is going well!
I've been to wearable arts each year it's been in Wellington! Guttered that this will be my first year of not going - def go!! It's so amazing!
Gosh aren't you just Miss Fashionista with your fancy jacket and necklace! Love them both!
How exciting that Noah is starting school! Wow - what a milestone! That'll bring about a whole new chapter in life for you I'm sure.
Mylo looks too cute beside that digger. Sigh. I need a boy!
I tried to grab your button, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if there's something up with it but it keeps coming up blank? Any tips?
Have fun at the wearable arts - very jeal! xxx
NICE! I love that outfit and am seriously having a bit of envy over that coat.....!
GREAT coat!!!
and the price...dreamy!!!!
loven' the cool
good job mom!!!
love and light
Love the necklaces!
And your coat is gorgoues.
Wowzers, that jacket is VERY WOW! You shall be getting some envious looks I am sure! Enjoy every magical moment! I've never been either, but seen the video footage and visited the WOW museum in Nelson. It all looks incredible and will be incredible in 'real life'! Very exciting!
So happy to hear all is going well with Noah settling into school and he has a great teacher x Sophie had a wonderful teacher like that for Term 1 and then she left :( Hence my unhappy girl. We're looking into solutions for next year and different options.
Have a super duper weekend and lets hope we get a little sunshine between the showers too :) x
WOW! Awesome post! LOVE the coat--you look hot! GREAT necklace! So fun bundling the little man up for a brisk wander. My fav. That pinata looks wicked! And I've never done the whole bloggy button thing but I'm going to "grab" yours because you're just super cool! xxx
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