♥ Superhero PJ's ♥
How cute are these - OK so it's completely the wrong season, I know, but the thought of getting into these puppies on a warm summer's night is something to look forward to. And at a quarter of their normal price, these were a bargain just waiting to happen!
♥ Giant worm balloons ♥Turns out these balloons sent over from Grandma in the UK are pretty good for lightsaber battles! Mind you I reckon pretty much anything in our house could be turned into something resembling Star Wars at the moment, with the party only 2 weeks away, it's somewhat on the brain!
♥ Water chestnuts ♥
Discovered a love for these whilst at Red Ginger last weekend having the scrummiest of Asian meals with hubby. We bought a can and devoured them in a stir-fry dinner this week.
♥ Wristies ♥
Am I feeling the love or what? Be careful what you wish for - now I have wristies coming out my ears, or should that be up my arms?! It's all good though, and thanks to the lovely Grandma & Nana who knitted up a storm to get both of these to me in quick-smart timing.
♥ Discovering ♥
This week we've got not just one moon mad boy but two. Noah has been asking lots of questions about the moon, so I did my bit by swinging by the library today on the way home to hopefully help answer some of the gnarly questions we've been asked. So far I've added to my knowledge - did you know that the moon travels around the Earth at about 4,000kph - that's four times faster than a jumbo jet!
Noah isn't naturally physically confident when it comes to adventure playgrounds - funnily enough slides and flying foxes are no problem, swings are ok although not too high or too fast, see saws sometimes depending on his mood, and the rest well I think it's always seemed a bit too daunting up until now. So to see him run up to all 3 heights of bar on Sunday at the park and confidently flip around them was warming to this mumma's heart.
♥ Roaring ♥
Anybody lost a baby tiger? I think he found his way to our house by accident *smiles*
Happy weekend one and all - I'm off to throw some 'loving' into my weekend, just me and my 2 gorgeous little treasures while the big treasure enjoys his roadie to Auckland with the boys. Not only have they managed to get a big 7-seater Ford Territory for the trip, but I caught sight of a mirror ball that Mark is planning to hang up in the car for the trip...um....what?! Not sure I want to know what else they're gonna get up to, just as long as it doesn't end up like The Hangover! :-/
Link up your loving over at PJ's place

I really want to try those ball things too! I just bought a big stash of photo frames that I'm going to convert into crafty goodness - I love the idea of that one you put up! xx
Loving the pjs - very cute! That ball thing is amazing and really love the photo hanging idea in a frame too!
I want a pack of those balloons today!
Oh - I love the photo board idea, might just have to add it to hubby's 'To Do' list!!!!
Great pjs! Cute baby tiger, too, and yey for Noah's new-found adventurous spirit :)
That baby tiger is toooo cute! Love the moon book, and I had to laugh at the mirror ball in the car. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Oh I just love the photo board-that looks awesome! Your baby tiger is very cute :)
Love that about your son on the playground. awesome :)
Well done to your son. What an achievement for him. The ballons look fun - are they the whistling type that fly and screach when you let them go? We have a pack here and the kids love them.
Hi lovely, hope your weekend has been okay? Brrr, a tuck up one hey! Lovely post of ideas and hope work settles down a tad for you so you can get stuck in to some of those gorgeous creative projects! You are amazing and those P-jays rock! xx
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