There is something utterly delightful about stepping inside familiar walls, smelling familiar smells, being greeted by a love-starved cat desperate for human company even if it comes with a price - two over eager children who want nothing more than to smother him in cuddles.
Twelve days and eighteen hundred kilometres of road behind us. And that doesn't include the miles of walking, running and biking undertaken inbetween.
Some miles were ridden in more glamorous style than others.
Some stops led to new and unusual places like this unlikely pozzy serving up a tasty New Years brunch at the Port in New Plymouth.
Corn fritters, berry pancakes and a cup of the loveliest coffee around. Can't complain about that.
And despite the inclement weather, there was opportunity to ride our luck chancing a walk along that glorious Taranaki coastline before the weather closed back in on us. And that was the first day of 2012 done.
The second day was quite the turnaround. Blue skies for the first time in days. A blat on my uncle's touring bike a thrill for us all.
The vast stretch of nearby beach called to us. So did the coffee caravan.
Despite having no spare clothes, I sucked up a big dose of 'go with the flow' and just let the boys run wild and free in the sea and the river.
We made do with bare legs for the next few hours.
Until we regrouped later on the day for a little deja vu. Same day, different beach and slightly more appropriate attire.
There is something naughtily delicious about a boy completely covered in black sand, don't you think? Despite how much it might stick to the bottom of the shower later!
And so we find ourselves at the end. The end of the road, the end of the holiday. So very many happy days of memories made, adventures and action at times, relaxing and laid back at others. Days wiled away with our nearest and dearest spread from one end of the country to the other. I simply can't think of a nicer way to spend a Christmas holiday.
I hope you have enjoyed these travelling tales as much as I have enjoyed the telling of them.

Lovely pics! And it looks like such a lovely time.
Didn't that black sand get all over the car before it got stuck in the shower?!
Love the photos - stunning! We haven't been able to go away on holiday this year, so your posts have been like a mini holiday for me! ;)
you take such great photos. I've loved watching your holiday unfold!!
LOVE these pics! Looks like a great time had by all!
What an incredible journey you've been on and done so much too! I've just been reading over your blog posts from the past couple of weeks and enjoyed your rich and varied photographs so much. It sounds like a very special time indeed, action packed with good times and many wonderful memories. We just got home today and I'm now going to take a little trip down memory lane this evening and put together some highlights... where to start!
Wishing you & your family a very wonderful year x
Sarah & family x
looks like you had a fab time, and have captured those moments wonderfully through the lens :)
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