I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Coffee to bring a smile to your dial
There's nothing sweeter than being served up your favourite hot drink (in this case I broke out of my usual Trim latte mold and had a Chai Latte) than when it is so nicely zhushed up that you catch your breath at the loveliness of it as it arrives.
Winter sunrises
OK I know I'm such a sucker for a good sunrise. But can you blame me when they are this good?!
While you were sleeping
It's not often I get the chance to sneak a quiet pic of a sleeping boy. Love that he obviously sneaked a bit of extra reading time after I'd left the room too!
How to speak New Zillund
Classic and oh so true!
Gail's Gooey Lemon Slice
I finally got around to making this last weekend. If you can ignore the mind-boggling amount of sugar that goes into this slice then you can just eat and enjoy. Crunchy on the outside, gooey on the the middle. A little bit like a lemon meringue pie in a slice, only better if you ask me! Recipe found here over at Delightfully Diva-ish.
Been to see the queen
Loving that our English mum and dad recently took an overnight trip to Windsor (a birthday gift from us) that nearly coincided with all the Jubilee celebrations. Loving that they had such a great time seeing Windsor Castle and other sights, and that they were generous enough to send us a wonderful souvenir from their time there. Looking forward to a quiet moment to sit down and have a proper look through!
A cuppa and cake
Loving this gorgeous new tea set and cake stand that we found at Briscoes the other day, and loving that Mark was just as keen on it as I was - good man! We'd barely gotten home before I had the kettle on so I could try out a vanilla rooibos tea in the cup and saucer. And then I was totally motivated to make something scrummy to put on the cake stand - hence one reason why I found an excuse to make Red Velvet Cupcakes!
I really wish you all lived close enough that I could invite you over to have a cuppa and cake with me!
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

that lemon slice looks AWESOME! and I love the cake stand just makes you want to jump in and make high tea! Happy Weekend to you x
well I will have a chia in one of those lovely tea cups with a piece of gooey lemon slice please ♥
love and light
So lovely Meghan. Dan nipped out and treated me to a cake stand too - after I'd seen your recommendation on Facebook! It's gorgeous and I used it for Charlotte's Birthday tea yesterday.
Hope you have a great weekend,
Sarah x
hehe, that New Zildish chart is FUNN-EE.
Love your new cake plate and super impressed that that Latte!
That slice is so yummy... but yes a moment on the lips... a lifetime everywhere else!!
The coffee is delightful. I love the special touches!!
And I haven't seen a sunset/sunrise for over a year... keep them coming!
Wow, can't believe it's Friday again! Not that I'm complaining. I've been baking with our lemons this week too so will add the slice to my to-do list!
Wow, can't believe it's Friday again! Not that I'm complaining. I've been baking with our lemons this week too so will add the slice to my to-do list!
Melissa @ www.thebestnest.co.nz
Thanks Meghan for the opportunity to join in - today was too good not to share.
I really like the look of that lemon slice and think I'll just have to give it a go!
Love sleeping boys too.... and you have to love gifts .
Love your list- the coffee, sunset, lemon goodness and especially the New Zillund poster. I have one on our notice board- comes in handy for a laugh, especially being an Australian immersed in a Kiwi life. Thanks for keeping up the Things I'm Loving link. Cx
I LOVE your cups and cake stand!
I must say that most nights when I sneak in to tuck my wee one in there is a book or two tucked under the pillow. Love the elegant china too!
I love the tea set! I love the cake! I love how to speak New Zealand! I love all your posts, and really look forward to reading them each week - despite my lack of commenting! I'm making more of an effort! xxxx
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