I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Little dribbler
This weekend marks another milestone, with the littlest MNM starting football. Noah started playing at about the same age with a few of his friends from daycare, and we think the Little Dribblers concept is a great one, with kids having an opportunity to try out skills with parents getting alongside to assist in the game and participate as well. Without appearing too confident, we already knew our little guy had quite the left foot on him even before he properly started walking, so we're quite excited to see him having a go at some organised sport. Here's a walk down memory lane, with a couple of videos we captured back in the day when I couldn't quite believe how co-ordinated the little guy was for his age!
At age 15 months and only just walking
At age 19 months and loving that ball!
I have no doubt after reminiscing over these that he should enjoy hoofing the ball around the field!
Secret squirrel project
I have one particular project on the go at the moment, which for now has to be secret squirrel. I'm loving the anticipation of giving a unique gift to a few lovely nearest and dearest this Christmas. That's all I can say about it for now, but it has been keeping me busy most nights the past month or so when I've found any spare time!
Gals vs Guys watching TV
This really made me laugh!
And this also tickled my fancy. Cute huh!
Rainbow rising
Loving this rainbow I spotted over the city early one morning as I was parking my car on my way to work.
Hall of Fame
This is one AWESOME song. Mark played it to me last weekend, and it is goosebump material. You gotta watch it.
Loving wonderful friends who treat you just because. A couple of months back my wonderful friend Tracey sent me a massage voucher and I am SO looking forward to using it tomorrow!
Hope you all enjoy the last long weekend before Christmas!
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Little soccer star.
i cant see the linky thing so am just adding my link here:
and loving that song too!
Loving what you're loving. I wish I had my eyesight. I would love to be crafting for Christmas. I shall write for my pals instead. Take care xxx
That lego pic is great! And I love seeing rainbows. P.s that pic you made me from puff paint is on my shelf above my fire place :) x
Enjoy that voucher :)
Loving your sporty boys!
Those cartoons are very cute....
and a rainbow at any time is special but even better early in the morning xx
My son watched both videos and enjoyed them a lot. He kept saying "there's a baby, he's chasing and kicking the ball!"
Hope your weekend is fabulous so far.
Oooohh I love secret squirrel projects too! I just finished one actually, which reminds me I need to blog it! Have a fab long weekend x
Yup total goosebumps. I have got it off iTunes and am going to blast that through the house. Wow, thanks Megs!
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