I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
A silly pair of glasses
Loving these crazy candid shots I took of the boys trying on the 3D glasses we got watching The Hobbit.
Playing patient
Loving the great bit of entertaining that the boys did of their own accord playing cafes and doctors and patients, and I even managed to rustle up a scarf and old compression bandage to act as a cast and sling. Little did poor Mylo know that in about 2 days he'd be playing patients for real when he got the chickenpox.
Loving this little superhero he loves to sprint like Usain Bolt through the house, arms pumping.
Lego building
Loving that Noah has taken a huge shine to building Lego these holidays. He has built all the different Lego sets that he and Mylo received for Christmas, and has even taken apart some sets that were built years ago to redo them. It is so cool seeing him get to the age and stage that he's so into it! A boy after Daddy's own heart.
The Hobbit
Loving that last week we got to take Nic and Kim to see The Hobbit at the Embassy. It was cool being able to sit in the very cinema where they held the world premiere and see the film in 3D 48 frames per second. Mark commented as we sat down that he wondered which famous person had sat in that very seat for the premiere....kinda cool to think like that, we are so privilegd to live in this city!
Playing nicely
Loving how well these two treasures have gotten on these holidays. It took them a few days to get into their groove but I've loved how there have been hours on end where we haven't needed to intervene or suggest what they might want to play, they've just amused themselves happily together, in this picture playing with Mylo's new Playmobil fire station that he got for Christmas.
The last of the homemade Christmas
Loving being able to finally share with you the last 2 homemade Christmas gifts that had to be a surprise until Christmas Day. The first was a joint present, a unique Word Art photo for Nic and Kim with all their special words from their honeymoon in Santorini and the other a little bit of Scrabble canvas wall art for Kim (she's a great scrabble fan and we love our Words with Friends battles!). It plays on the fact they both share an I in their names and have 3 letter names, so I'm hoping they'll be able to find space for both on their walls at home in Melbourne.
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

I played with playmobil as a kid and love the few pieces my kids have. That looks like a great set. Love your scrabble wall art too. Cx
Fabulous loves - and particularly impressed with your creative gifts - which I'm sure were very much loved and will be treasured.
Glad you've had a good week and love the photos of your boys and the glasses, made me giggle :) Have a great weekend x
Fab Meg x
love those glasses shots and just quietly feeling rather excited for some other reasons too!!!
Love the word art
Fabulous gifts and really loved the Hobbit!! So cool you guys got to go in the theatre where the premier was!!
Lots to love! the kids playing together and getting into stuff is so special :)
My older two boys went to see the Hobbit this past week too. I must tell them that you were at the cinema where the Premiere was held though, pretty cool!
Love your word art picture. What software did you use to make it?
And of course loving that you have playmobil and Lego fans in your house. Sounds just like mine!
It is pure joy when the kids get on so well....lots of lego in this house too. ...and I love your handmade art. xxx
I'm LOVING that I've booked my flights to Christchurch squeeee
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