I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Morning love fest
I love impromptu love fests. The other morning Noah begged me to 'take a picture of me and Murphy mum'. I love how much they love their furry friend. And I love how tolerant Murphy is of them. Everyone always tells us he's such a beautiful animal and how friendly he is. I always laugh and say 'you don't have to live with him', he sure has his annoying moments too but for the most part he is a truly loved member of the MNM's family.
Brave wee soldier
So we got the stitch out last Tuesday (which Noah got to keep and take for news the next day - he was most excited) and it was healing pretty well.I saw WAS, because that was until he fell off some equipment at school face first this Tuesday and nicely added a graze to his head right on top of the still-healing gash.
I feel like we might need to invest in a crash helmet for this one?! To be fair, he has grown a huge amount over the summer, so I get the feeling some of it is his brain not quite keeping up with his body growth and making him a bit unbalanced at the moment - here's hoping it's just a phase though! I do love his beautiful skin and I hope we can get away without any more scars for now!
Loving that he rallied from the graze and stayed at school for the rest of the day - although I'm pretty sure it was the thought of the playdate he had at home after school with a young gal from his class that got him through!
Sorry love are we keeping you up?
Mylo gave up his day sleeps long ago but still tends to get pretty tuckered out and has taken to falling asleep in the car or in the couch late afternoon given half the chance. Even the thought of a new film to watch (Wreck It Ralph) couldn't make him keep his eyes open. I love sneaking sleeping shots of my kids - I don't get to do it often enough and they are so so peaceful aren't they. And I love it how he still has control of the remote between his legs too!
You never know what you're gonna get
Pick up time at daycare can be interesting. You never know quite what you're gonna get. On this day it was a very cool Hungry Caterpillar and apple that greeted me. On the subject - don't you find face paint is an interesting thing? I find there are only 2 extremes when it comes to the stuff. It either won't rub off no matter how hard you try and you basically have to shed layers of your children's skin to get it off OR it comes off every time you so much as look at it. The green apple was of the 'rubs off the minute you look at it' variety - it got everywhere. I'll admit it did still look cool though!
Star Wars
I went out for lifegroup last week and when I came home I laughed and laughed when I found this on Mark's Facebook page with the caption:
'Let's just say Darth Vader won'
Getting crafty with creche
Despite wanting to be more involved in creche, the first part of this year was a bit of a write-off as we were away more weekends than we were actually here. So it was lovely last weekend to finally be able to put my money where my mouth was. I'd pinned a whole lot of ideas the weekend before, and decided to make this very easy Easter craft with the under 5's. All it took was some plates, popsicle sticks, glue, and cardboard cut-outs and then we let the kids go crazy with colouring their creations. And being able to tell the story as we went was precious too.
Don't get me wrong - we lost and found a few angels and Jesus along the way, there were some pretty wonky looking crosses that didn't make the cut, and a few more glue gun burns than I'd anticipated (the adults not the kids!), but all in all a very successful outing!
And on this day..
Loving that on this day, this special day - and it's a crying shame that as far as some people know and care it's all about eating copious amounts of chocolate - the course of history was changed forever. Because God did what no-one else could. His Son saved this day. He saved this day and he has saved every day thereafter. For eternity.
And that is worth every ounce of gratitude and all the love this wounded soul has to give. For every day that I live and breathe. Do I hear an amen?!
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Awesome post Meghan!
Poor little guy...hope it all heals will and quickly.
Love your creche craft too...I didn't worry with ours this am but will be tackling a craft with our littlies on Sunday.
Have a fabulous Easter. xx
I'll give you an Amen! Your poor little man and his injuries. Was it him who cut his head on holiday once too?
Love the sleeping shot with the remote control between his legs!
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