Noah has had a rather busy week as a monster on Friday, a pirate on Saturday, and a footballer on Sunday, social butterfly that he is! The monster was a daycare creation by the teachers, the pirate was Noah's costume for his friends' Maya and Ryder's joint birthday party, and the football kit was for Noah's first football game.
This weekend we had GeeGee to stay, and she relished the opportunity to see Mylo at such a young age. With Noah's hectic social schedule, she didn't get to see as much of him or Mark, but the two of us enjoyed some quiet time together at home with Mylo, plus my friends Tracey and Marissa both popped in separately to see me on the Saturday which was lovely. Granma also treated us to takeaways both nights, pizza Friday and cury Saturday so Mark enjoyed two nights off cooking in a row...a rare treat!
Sunday morning, Noah and Mark went to try out Little Dribblers football with a few of his friends. Although Daddy would be the first to encourage Noah to become a world class footballer, Mark did say he wasn't sure it was necessarily the best environment for Noah to learn in, as some of the other parents running round the field were quite aggressive and in-your-face.
I dropped Granma at the airport mid-morning Sunday and then we had a much needed quiet afternoon at home. It was a bit of a shame as the airport had an open day for its 50th anniversary celebration and Noah would probably have loved to go and see all the displays, and the model rail expo was also on all weekend, but after Mark had spent most of Saturday out at Lindale for the birthday party (an hour's drive away), and then out to football in the morning, there just wasn't the time or energy to spare to pack any more into the weekend! Amazingly on Sunday both the boys went down for sleeps at the same time (a first I think!) so Mark and I caught up on an episode of our new favourite TV program, Flash Forward and revelled in the serenity and peace of the household for 2 hours!
Today, I had a lovely catch-up with 2 friends Sally and Amie, who have babies 3 weeks older than Mylo, Jack (Amie's baby) and 3 weeks younger, Joshua (Sally's baby). It was the first time we had managed to get the 3 boys together so it was lovely to chat about how the first few weeks had gone for us all, and share tips and stories about life with a newborn in the house.
Mylo has surprised us somewhat the past 2 days by actually having one longer sleep of 1.5 hours in his bassinet both days. It was a bit of an experiment, but yesterday we brought his bassinet out into the lounge and with all the noise of the house including Noah at full pitch and the TV going, he went off to sleep reasonably happily. I thought it was worth a try after he slept in the sling on me most of Saturday when I had visitors. I get the feeling he just wants to be part of everything that's going on in the family and prefers not be shut away in the bedroom in the quiet. Could just be beginners luck but we'll still take it nonetheless!
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