11 November 2011

Bravo for brown

whether it's brown paper bags 

or the promise of Narnia

whether it's captured in 100-year old wood 

or the sun reflecting on a city that never sleeps 

bravo brown, I shall never call you boring again.

Linking in with the Alicia of Project Alicia and Kristi of Live and Love Out Loud
for this week's theme of Brown

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful series of browns, I love the shot you called Narnia, what a lovely location.

Saun said...

Awesome series love the brown bags.

Cat said...

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!!

so when are you opening your photography studio????

love and light

Lish @ Imprintalish said...

I love the perspective on the brown paper bags!!!

Mama J said...

I love that shot of the bags!

Hazel from Hazel Loves Design said...

I love how wonderful browns can be. They used to be dull, but all the textures associated stop them from being so!

:) Hazel

Cedar said...

Gorgeous! I love the bags and that last shot is incredible!

Anonymous said...

pretty photos! the bags are great! and last photo is very cool!

Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

Unknown said...

This is the most beautiful series of browns! And my sentiments exactly. I've always viewed the browns of autumn as drab and boring. This challenge has opened my eyes to its fabulous beauty! I LOVE the brown paper bags shot!

dearfutureme... said...

Oh I LOVE brown! Well captured! Love all these pics, especially the wooden one!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

I absolutely love the shot of the brown paper bags! Thanks for joining us in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday for our new theme, white. Have a great day!

alicia said...

Not sure how you did it, but you managed to make brown paper bags look beautiful. What a great collection for brown! And loving the new header! Thanks so much for linking up to the Shades of Autumn Challenge. White is going to be tricky for me...


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