Less than 2 months to go till my brother weds his sweetheart. Eek, excited much! And loving our wedding invite that came in the mail last week.
Also loving the quote Nic and Kim had at the bottom of the invite (which you can't see here)
"Life is the most spectacular show on Earth"
So very true!
Frozen Planet
TV1 8.30pm Tuesdays. UH-mazing. Is anyone else loving this visual feast for the eyes as much as I am? We've been taping it and when they get the chance to watch it, both our boys sit transfixed with eyes wide open watching the most glorious and unusual creations on our planet.
Babysitters Circus
Have you heard of these guys? And how totally cool is this song? They're a Kiwi band, and this video was set to a flash mob in Auckland. But even more loving that it's also the theme tune for Frozen Planet which is how I heard it in the first place!
Loving that all it takes is a slip of black silky fabric and a few frills (thanks very much Glassons) and my five-year old can take one look at me, inhale and says 'You look so beautiful Mummy'. Those Maloney boys (big and little) sure know how to woo the women in their lives!
Apologies for the decidedly grubby mirror in this shot which I didn't notice until afterwards!
Fresh from the garden
I say this every year, but I love the little crop of produce we get from the garden. Especially loving it now that the wineberries and peas have come into their own.
But the thing I love most is seeing little fingers eagerly snatching berries out of my hand before I can even open my hand up.
There's a lot to be said for instilling a love of fresh fruit and veg, it's almost a no brainer that they'll grow to love em when they get to see them ripen before their very eyes.
Prawn Rogan Josh
So this current food regime is making us think long and hard about every thing that's going into our mouths. Which is a good thing to be honest. Thinking first rather than just eating whatever, whenever. But both Mark and I were kinda hanging out for a curry - we usually have a Thai Green Curry or Musaman Curry once a week, but both of these are coconut milk based and pretty much devour my daily point allowance in one foul swoop. So instead, this weekend, we got clever.
So dear hubby made the Jamie Oliver Rogan Josh paste from scratch and we had Prawn Rogan Josh for dinner. My word, I have never been so full and satisfied (yet not feeling like I just ate half a pound of ghee as you do with a normal curry) in all my life. And at only 6 WW points...I still had room for a piece of Pear Upside Down cake with Maple syrup. Eating smart is what we like to call it!
Guess who is sponsoring the Wellingtons Sevens this year? Hubby's company that's who. Not that it's a great shot or anything (I forgot my camera so had to make do with the iPhone), but there's hubby in the front seat of the ute at the parade in downtown Wellington yesterday.
Spiderman, Spiderman
I cannot hear the words spiderman without hearing the phrase 'spider pig' 'spider pig' from the Simpsons. I took the boys to Storytime at Te Papa on Wednesday, and when the lovely host asked who wanted their face painted, Noah was quick to say yes, beating all the other younger kiddies to the punch. The spiderman face goes rather well with the skeleton dress up suit Grandma and Grandad recently sent from England too don't you think! Check out this pic edited in Pixlr-omatic - thanks PJ for the heads up on your great App post yesterday!
This weekend will be a busy one in our household, hubby is out hosting clients tonight and Saturday night at the Sevens, and then somehow must find the energy reserves to pedal his way around the annual 4-hour MTB orienteering race (Akatarawa Attack) he always races in on Sunday. Thank goodness it's a long weekend here is all I can say!
Happy weekend ya'll...and if you're in NZ, what fun do you have planned for this long Waitangi weekend?!
Hooking up with lots of other lovelies here

I love your whole list! You do look beautiful in that dress...what a sweetie Noah is to say that! I've played the song 3 times already! And I'm really enjoying the click it up a notch website you recommended...I've already learned several tips, which is great! Thanks for that. I'm writing from frozen planet it seems...it's -10 here and dropping. Have a great, full, fun weekend there! xx
that dress looks super cute on you!
It would be so awesome to go a Wellingtion Seven tournament. Might put that on the bucket list
You are super pretty! Love it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, I am loving Frozen Planet too - and you've just reminded me I have Tuesday's one recorded and ready to watch, eeee! Love that song (and the vid), and gorgeous dress.
I always love every single thing on your list! I have a glassons voucher I've been waiting to spend - might have to find me a Meg dress (if they are still there?). Love your lovings - and hope you have a fab weekend (ours is pretty crazy too!).
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