Noah received 2 lovely handmade cards from Bounce and Flip (Miriam from MakeitGiveit's two boys) and a gorgeous book called Billy's Bucket as a get-well-thinking-of-you gift last week. Noah was totally in awe that two young boys his age who only knew of him through their two mummy's being blog friends had sent him something. It was such a lovely surprise to receive in the mail, and it certainly made our boy's day! Thank you lovely MakeitGiveit crew!
Giving back
We've had such an awesome experience with 2 nurses in particular at the doctors who've been seeing Noah pretty regularly these past couple of weeks (I think we managed 5 visits in 10 days!). So it was nice to be able to let them know how wonderful they were and how much it meant to us to have such fantastic people looking after our precious wee guy. Mark's deliciously naughty brownie accompanied this card Noah made.
If you're wondering about the crabs, well he'd come home a little obsessed with drawing them after a school outing to the marine education centre this week, and he wanted to show off his crab drawing skills to the you do!
Oh and did we mention that one of our lovely nurses also has a silver Punch Buggy?! So that makes her an immediate friend in our books straight away!
After a bit of a rough week last week, everything is healing well now after Noah's nasty hot cup of tea burn accident 2 weeks ago. The dressing on his arm came off last week, and we now have just a small dressing on his chest for one more week. His arm looks totally normal if a bit pasty white having lost the nice tanned skin on that part of his arm.
His chest has some lovely new pink skin underneath so the extra week of protection is definitely worthwhile. He will be gagging to get back in the pool hopefully next weekend, but he'll only manage one week of lessons before we have two weekends away in Melbourne. Ah well, at least the swim school said they'll give us a credit for all the missed weeks due to the burn which is very kind of them!
Are you watching this? Mondays at 8.30pm on TV3. It is one of the best thriller TV shows we've watched in a long while since 24 finished a few years back. Both Damian Lewis and Claire Danes are damn good actors in it, and it also won the Golden Globe for Best Drama TV series this year too.
Get into it if you haven't already!
Punch Buggy makes a comeback
So y'all know how much we love punch buggies (VW Beetles) around here. So it was super cool to see the ad aired at Superbowl this year following in footsteps of last year's commercial.
And how SEXY does the new shape Beetle look!!!!!!
And if you didn't get to see the original from last year, it's here. And it's still one of my favourite video clips e.v.e.r!
Getting my active on
So unbeknownst to me (who'd been reading Simone's blogs here and here about how she's been enjoying getting fit with the Wii Spors Active 2), my hubby got a great deal on Mighty Ape yesterday for the very samething, so now I'm going to be joining in the Active 2 action. So far I've got through half a workout (but have had to concede the TV to the All Whites game being played as I type) and LORDY I can already tell it's gonna be a workout and a half. It makes the Wii Fit balance board stretches and exercises seem somewhat laughable by comparison. Although I wonder if the fact I have put it straight onto the Hard setting might have something to do with it - watch me not be able to walk tomorrow and then I might have to think twice and take the intensity down a notch or two for next time!
It's good to have a new focus though now that we've finished the official Weight Watchers diet. For the record, hubby lost about 5kg and I lost nearly 2kg, not as much as my 3kg goal (which I think was in hindsight probably a little extreme where I was starting out from). But I'm looking forward to continuing to build on the fitness, and I can really see the appeal of doing a workout instead of running out in the cold and dark on a winter's morning already!
Making stats fun
Loving this homework activity last week where we had to get all the footwear in the house and put it into groups to see which were the most popular and least popular. Noah enjoyed rummaging through all the wardrobes to get all the shoes out and tipping them into one giant pile before gradually getting them all categorised together. We did the same with our tinned food in the cupboard later in the week too.
Who says learning shouldn't be fun! For this activity, lace ups were the clear winner followed closely by Mummy's boots if I recall rightly!
Toot Toot
Last Sunday we took a trip 45 minutes away up the Kapiti coast to Raumati to visit some friends and so we really couldn't pass up the opportunity to ride the miniature rails up there which operate on Sunday afternoons. I love how long the track is and for only $1.20 a ride it really is great value.
Love the facials while waiting for the train!
Oh look...Mum actually makes it into a rare photo or two!
It was by far the best weather weekend of the summer so far, it's just a shame it was officially also the last weekend of the summer! So when you add a large wading pool, a sunny afternoon and a two and a half year old and what do you have? A recipe for skinny dipping. Pure and simple. Some slight edits applied to the pics too of course.
So what are you loving as we officially enter autumn? Are you like me and desperately hoping we might still get a bit of an Indian summer to make up for a pretty poor summer? I'm just not ready to give up on summer altogether just yet!
Which is probably why it's a good thing that our Melbourne trip is just around the corner now, here's hoping that we get a week of sun and warmth there to make up for what has been sadly lacking here!
Happy weekend y'all!

Such a fun, varied read! So entertaining, my mind is buzzing! Well done to brave Noah first up. Thanks for the reminder about that model railway - Alice would love a ride on that! Have a beautiful time in Melbourne and, oh yes, here's to an Indian Summer please! x
I agree! I could seriously comment on each thing you mentioned (again!). What great moments to be thankful for this week! That is such a lovely gift from Miriam. I just went and checked out her blog. Ugh...and that amazing looking chocolate brownie! I've already baked twice this week! Must slow down :) Hope you all have a fun weekend! x
So glad Noah was excited about his parcel. We loved sending it. If the shoe collection was done in our house it would be a clear winner for heals, followed by boots and then everything else trailing after!!
So much to love! Lovely gifts received and given by Noah - and it looks like he's healing really well. Brave boy :)
Hmmm, I've heard so many good things about that fitness game thingy, will have to tuck it in the back of my mind for after #2 has arrived and settled in. Awesome work on your weight losses, too.
I LOVE that volkswagon ad so funny. We played it at youth group, the young people loved it.
Great post lovely lady! I love using my EA Active 2 on our xbox as well. So glad the burn is healing well - aren't out bodies awesome.
That ad is SO funny!
I am very sad that we have hit autumn without the summer even officially launching. What global warming, I ask you????
bless Bounce and Flip
pleased Noah is healing
your outing last Sunday sounds like a lot of fun
I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday.
medical freezers
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