07 August 2012

Gastroscopy in the morning

I'm a little nervous...silly really...I know it's only a minor procedure in the scheme of things. But after a pretty horrible wisdom teeth extraction experience under general anaesthetic a couple of years ago, the thought of being sedated and having a camera shoved down my throat into my stomach isn't thrilling me greatly.

If you're the praying type, the best prayers you could pray are for a conclusive diagnosis on why I keep getting reflux and stomach pain.

Thanks lovely people!


Leonie said...

Hugs and prayers Meghan!
I pray the answers and solution are found.

Elizabeth said...

Praying from up here!

Miriam said...

How precious towards me are your thoughts oh God, how vast is the sum of them if I were to count them they would outnumber the sand on the shore, when I awake I am still with you.
You hedge me in behind and before, you have laid your hand upon me
Psalm 139 - these are the verses I feel for you. His hand is on you. xxx

jacksta said...


Widge said...


Cat said...

read this a little late, but still putting the prayers out there for you Meg!
praying all answers will reveal themselves

love and light

Jason and Jacinda Papps said...

I hope it went ok and that you get the answers that you need! It must be a difficult time having these issues while so busy! We are thinking of you! Sending you love and hugs from across the Tasman xxx

Jaz from Treacy Family said...

Prayers, thoughts, love and hugs from me my friend xx

dearfutureme... said...

Hope it went well yesterday. Such a strong lady!


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