I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
You know who you are
This week, more than anything I am so grateful for people like you. The comments on the blog, the love and support and prayers, texts, phone calls, all of it has been amazing. Thank you for supporting me in my hour of need (original post Pain, pain go away here). On Monday, I had to go back to the doctors with a throat infection to get antibiotics (on top of the stomach pain, what fun!). So now I'm on 10 days penicillin for that, and would you believe the antibiotics (despite not doing much for my throat yet unfortunately) do seem to have helped my stomach a little. It definitely makes me think the stomach pain could be an ulcer now, as antibiotics like penicillin can help despite the fact I wasn't even taking them for my stomach! But I'll give as much if not more credit to God for the awesome prayer session with some of my lifegroup girlies on Tuesday night. I am in less pain (it's still there but more manageable) and lasting through till next week for the gastroscopy at the hospital won't be quite as hard work now I hope. And I especially want to be able enjoy my big boy's birthday party this Saturday!
So thank you, everyone. You know who you are!
The return of the Choco-ade
The Choco-ade has made a comeback. All due to one person's personal crusade to bring it back, see here on Stuff. I couldn't believe it when I walked into New World this week, and an entire block of the shelves was filled with Choco-ades.
Of course I had to buy a packet, you know, just to check they still tasted the same as they used to.
They did! Hubby was also impressed by his first ever Choco-ade experience. So Kiwi friends, have you indulged in the great Kiwi comeback yet?
Getting down and dirty
Loving mixing it up and bathtime with some coloured shaving foam fun. Oh the mess is glorious but it all goes down the plughole at the end of it which is the best bit. I also love the awesome poo-coloured bathwater that results after everyone has painted themselves top-to-toe in numerous shades of colours all mixed together.
Growing dem skills
Loving getting along to watch Noah at football on a mild and sunny Saturday - it sure beat the last time. This time I came prepared with a stroller so as not to repeat the agony of holding Mylo for the entire hour, and some food and a sleeping bag to wrap him up in. And I didn't really need any of it! We even had a kick around on the side of the field together. Loving seeing how much Noah looks forward to this time of the week and how much he enjoys having Dad as team manager.
This is our planet
Loving this beautiful time-lapse photography of this glorious place we call home.
This is Our Planet from Tomislav Safundžić on Vimeo.
Loving that it's Noah's six birthday party tomorrow, and that Nana and Poppa can be here for the weekend thanks to a good deal on Grabaseat. We're headed to the bowling alley with 3 of Noah's mates and then home for a couple more games and cake. Nice and easy, and low fuss this year!
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

so glad the pain is becoming a little more manageable xxx have a wonderful party with your beautiful boy. x
That video is pretty AMAZING.
This must be the view that God gets every day...
And I don't remember choc-ade! but I think I'll have to try them
PS The bath foam idea is FAB!
Cool shaving cream idea for bath painting. Will have to try it when little miss is older. <3 Great list Kate xox
I'm definitely going to try the bath paint idea!
Have a fun party with your big baby boy and take care of yourself xx
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