I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
You'd probably have to have been under a rock somewhere (or not reading the blog early this week) to have missed the round-up of our Crazy Colour Party from last weekend. But if you did happen to miss it, you can get caught up on all the action here. It was so much fun.
But in the same breath, I must also say I am somewhat pleased that birthdays are now officially over for us for another year!
Instagram in a Hoodie
I'm absolutely digging my new $15 Cotton On hoodie. It's got a really funky Instagram-esque pic on the front. In the text, around the border it says 'In this place I am complete' at the top, and 'I am you and you are me'. Loving it.
To the infinite all finites are equal
Love this quote that I heard Don Barry from Gateway Church in Hamilton say in a recent podcast I was listening to. So simple and yet so profound.
White choc and raspberry
Loving the new Whittakers White Raspberry chocolate. Deliciousness in a tin foil wrapper, and very hard to resist I must say.
This is a free funky app that allows you to store and tag your kid's artwork by name, the date they created it, and their school year (it is American graded years though if you can put up with that!). You can also create other people to share it with as well. I'm forever wondering what to do with all the lovely artwork that comes home and I really believe I've now found my answer! Check it out here www.artkiveapp.com. You can also turn it into a little book of memories for yourself or as a gift. Great idea.

Crazy scootering
Last weekend when Nana was here we went to Chocolate Fish cafe for some yummy Kai Moana (their specialty is bbq sammies...mmm mmm!). They also have an awesome array of running bikes, ride-on tractors and cars for kids (of all ages) to play with. I was RATHER taken with the cool tri-scooter, it was super easy to operate and I just loved getting some speed up and drifting round the corners, giving Noah a race for his money. I just wished we lived in a flatter neighbourhood as I can just imagine me hooning around on one. Unbeknownst to me, Mark captured the moment on film. I'm much more comfortable being behind the camera instead of in front of it, but once in a while...I guess what the hey!
Mama and son time
This weekend Mark is heading away up to Taupo for a boy's weekend, so it's Mama and son time for us three. First up, we're heading to Capital E to see the performance of Around the World and Buck Again on Saturday morning. I love taking the kids to shows, we've seen at least 3 or 4 of the shows that Capital E have put on over the past five years or so. Always highly entertaining and pitched just right for the kids' age groups.

I'm hoping we can also go and check out the new Asia precinct at our Best Little Zoo in the World, inspired by Sarah from Catching The Magic's great post of their experience last weekend when it opened. It's not often that Mark is away for the whole weekend so I'm planning to do minimal housework and cooking and just really ENJOY spending time with my precious, if slightly crazy little dudes!
Here's how you can join in:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Love the hoodie! It's perfection!
Love the video - you've got more co-ordination than me :)
Love that you've got a fun weekend planned!
Enjoy it xx
Hee, hee, those scooters are a blast! Love the t-shirt. Love the party - oh my goodness - Dan and I have been marveling over the pics over breakfast this morning! Absolute colour perfection! Yum to chocolate and that art archive thing is fabulous! So much to love. Have a great weekend with your gorgeous boys,
Lots of love, Sarah x
I love the commentary on the vid and esp when Noah says, 'this little boy's in the way,' So funny! Have an awesome mama and son weekend.
LOVE that party! Love Cotton On, Love plays and am definitely checking out that app! xx
Oh I am loving that chocolate too, good luck for your solo weekend.
Love Mark's accent (someone had to say it, right?!?)!!!!
love app tips :)
Love the list! Love it all, food, clothes, kiddies, parties and chocolate- fabulous!
That cake is all to love and the hoodie is very cute too. xx
Great list! I have to agree with you, that chocolate is devine!!!!!!!!!!
Love the look of that Artkive app! Am going to download it! Thanks :)
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