I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Loving these little piggy noses pressed up against the windscreen. What's not to laugh at, really?!
Fresh from the garden
Loving our peas fresh from the garden. Such a joy to meander out the back door and see if any are ripe for the taking.
In a few years, I reckon this guy could well audition for a role in one of my favourite ever TV shows growing up. It's the mirrored glasses that make it. And the fact he thinks he might pass his for cool uncle Nic.
If this doesn't make you giggle...
I don't know what will. Cuteness personified.
The boys discovered these cool-as straws at the supermarket last weekend. With half a dozen different flavours, they were made up having a go trying all the different flavours out.
Fiat's Mother-HOOD video
I know. I know. Two videos in one post. But if you'll excuse some of the language this is a pretty funny and scarily accurate representation of being part of the mother-HOOD!
When the bug bites...
Love how the urge to clean will hit at funny moments....or is that just me?!!! Like when you've just arrived home from a walk to town and you can't be bothered getting changed so you just get right into it, music blaring from your headphones n all!
Origami Star Wars, cool this is!
Trying my hand at some backwards Yoda-speak there. Not sure if I pulled it off or not?! Anyway, our friends Jackie and Heidi got us some coolio prezzies for Christmas - Star Wars Flyers (paper aeroplanes) and Star Wars Origami. Mark had already made the boys a few of the flyers so I figured I'd better catch up and made my first origami R2-D2 on the weekend. These are not for the faint of heart I must say - this little puppy took me about half an hour, but I reckon I'll be quicker next time now that I've got to grips with all the different folds. Are you impressed this come from one square piece of paper? I was!
Last but not least loving our holiday and I don't want it to end. I'll have all the low-down on our adventures when we get back, but tonight it all ends with a super cool night for me as I'm loving that I get to see Jacksta-B, PJ and (I think?) some other lovely Whangarei bloggers in person. Squee!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

You look like you are really getting your cleaning mojo on there! My boys love those straws too. Enjoy your bloggy catch up!
Its good to be back. Life has been BUSY. loved your cleaning pic. "this mom means business!" we saw the kitten video this week too and loved it.
Gods blessings to ya!
Hehehe love the photo of your boys in the car. Kids are so good at filling our lives with smiles and laughter.
Oh Meghan, you always crack me up with your 'loves' and never fail to entertain, surprise and make me smile. You and your cleaning gloves - pow wow! You have such a fun family and I can't wait to read about your Northland trip. x
Ha I love those squashed up faces :) I remember discovering those sipah straws a few years, I haven't had them in about that long so I might see if my local supermarket stocks them, thanks for jogging my memory :)
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