Today's latest escapade.....a run-in with the flying fox at school - I think the story is that one of Noah's mates accidentally let go of the flying fox and Noah was busy showing off his dance moves halfway along the tow line and didn't see it coming, turned around and whack! got it clean between the eyes.
If you're squeamish....scroll down now!
A quick trip to the doctor, a stitch and a nice big bandage and he was on his way.
But it's hardly more than a month since there was a doozy of a shiner that Noah got after whacking his head on the coffee table a month ago - and he's still got the bump on the side of his forehead now to prove it.
Oh and yes, there was that Trouble Comes in Threes post after a 3am trip to New Plymouth A&E in the October school holidays when Mylo fell out of bed at my gran's house and gashed his head open on a set of drawers, and I had to get both the kids into the car in their pyjamas and find my way to the hospital.
On top of that, this morning I started getting a nagging side pain, reminiscent of some of my episodes from last year. I can't help but think the stresses of this past week as I've been thrust into emergency recruitment mode have played a part in this. And I do NOT want a repeat performance of last year's health dramas. No way. I've told my boss that I'm NOT working all the extra hours it might take to get the job done because I AM trying to look after my health, but it's always easier to be firm now than when our backs are against the wall with deadlines. So I returned from a drive around town with Mark trying to make sense of it all and went straight into a meeting at 1pm with red-rimmed eyes - yeah not my best look.
Five minutes into the meeting I saw a call come in on my mobile but I ignored it as I didn't recognise the number (I do know what the school and daycare numbers look like and always make sure I take their calls). Imagine my horror when I got out of my meeting half an hour later and looked at my phone to see that picture of Noah at the top of this post staring back at me. Well let me tell you, I just put my head in my hands and burst into tears right there at my desk and sobbed right in front of everyone. So cue a few minutes back behind the closed doors of a meeting room so I could take a few minutes to compose myself - again - as I was due in to an interview for a replacement for Jackie ten minutes later.
Thankfully, Daddy had taken the call and was magnificently dealing with the situation at hand but I still felt like such a bad mother for not being there for my beautiful boy in his hour of need.
Lordy, what a day. One I'm glad to see the other side of.
But as I was in between break downs today, I had a verse pop into my head. I just love it how He knows just what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.
From the ends of the earth will I cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61 v 2
Yes I am overwhelmed right now.
But there is a rock higher than I. His name is Jesus and he hears my every cry.

Meghan xxxx thinking of you xxxx you are a mighty good juggler but let yourself put the balls down whenever you can - any way you could fit in a lunchtime massage one day?? xx
Oh Meg, what a day! I'm going to pray for you now. Quick healing for Noah and for much peace for you during this time at work, no more recurrence (?) of those nasty symptoms and a deep knowledge that the future is in very good hands. May you sleep peacefully and deeply tonight! xx
ugh one of *those* days!! You poor thing! Lucky for us to have a rock to cling to! Here's praying that the right person comes along for the job - often what seems the worst ends up becoming a blessing in hindsight! xo
♥ great scripture to hold on to.
Hang in there Meg. Looking forward to our relaxing weekend in a month! If you cant pull off the the blog session you should just say no... the stress isn't worth your health. Hopefully you find a new worker just as good!
What a rough day :(
I hope that there is a silver lining with the job situation.
I'm so glad that you are trying to keep in mind the importance of you in the busyness of your job.
All the best!!
Oh hun.... sorry to read about this! Apart from the actual gash to the forehead I could have written your post! I am going through the same feelings of being overwhelmed every day!
Take care, be proud of yourself that you are doing an amazing job and one step at a time xxx
Just catching up...oh I do so hope you have had some good rest and some lovely cups of tea and are feeling a little better.....great verse and there are a tonne more that will tell you that he will provide and protect you. xxxx
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