Like....learning how to take better photos, learning how to be more creative with my children, learning how to love my real life, learning how to share my faith more easily, and learning how to get over myself.
What do I mean by that?
Most if not all of us suffer from an unhealthy dose of camera shyness, and an unwillingness to parade pictures of ourselves through our blogs. It's easy enough to take pictures of our kids, but whose blog is it really?
I mean really?!
I, like so many of you, am so used to screwing my nose up each time I see a picture of me, but these past few months I have been making a deliberate effort to get in my own pictures more. Having an iPhone where you can turn the camera on yourself easily has helped a lot with this - like in this shot above which I took last week after a very rare session at the hairdressers!
You may not have noticed there's been more of me around this space. But I have. It's actually nice to see pictures of me. Me with hubby, me with the kids, me just being me. I am an important part of this family, so why good does it do our family memories if I am hiding away behind the lens all the time?
It's been a learning curve for me, to force myself to actively post pictures of me on here. I've never wanted to come across as being vain (far from it), and I think, that has been part of the problem. I've often thought that if I post too many pictures, what will people think? But you know what, it is my blog, and I'm not being true to myself if I consciously decide to keep myself hidden away.
Of course I still get to QA the shots - there have to be some perks after all when you're the publisher - so don't expect too just-got-out-of-bed-with-panda-eyes-and-in-pyjamas shots anytime soon.
Or maybe I will, just to really blow your minds - ha ha! For example, I can't believe I just posted a photo of me in a onesie online...what was I thinking! Notice how I am clinging onto my little guy for dear in don't you dare leave me in this photo by myself!
But whether I am in a polka dot bikini or polka dot onesie, I am, like you, a precious gift from God. Fearfully and wonderfully made. And instead of hiding away this body which he has given me to store my eternal soul, I'm trying really hard to embrace my uniqueness, and let it all hang out (well figuratively speaking of course!).
How about you? How comfortable are you getting in pictures that get posted online? Do you do it enough? Do you do it at all?
So here's my challenge to you over the next wee while - how about making a conscious effort to be more physically present in your blog posts and 'get over' yourself?
You might just be surprised at how good it feels.
I want a onesie! xo
Great onesie! And the second-from-left-second-row photo of you with curly hair?? LOVE!
I hate seeing photos of myself, and need to take a leaf out of your book and just get in amongst the photographic fun. Get over the "hate the way my [insert whatever here] look" and just go for it.
You know what? Challenge accepted!! xx
Great post! So true - I think Mums especially are really bad at this. Im not a Mum but I read this interesting article too if you're interested.
you look lovely. i just recently put a photo of myself on the blog as i feel i can connect more with whats written when i have a picture of the person who wrote it in mind. that said i've just had a bout of tonsilitis and have 5 cold sores on my face. desperately hoping they clear up before bloggers connecting as i imagine there will be lots of photo taking there and i dont think i'm ready for my lurgy face on the screen!
looking forward to meeting you on the weekend (i'll be the one with scabs!)
You are beautiful inside and out,
I got over it because I adore my children more then I worry about 'looking bad' x
you go girl!!!! Looking hot in that onesie!
Awesome Meghan, and yes I have noticed more photos of you on your blog. When I first started reading your amazing creative online home, I would have to really scour and squint to see you ;) It's great to see the journey you are on! I have gone the other way I suppose! Admiring my wee boy and capturing his moments, and learning to work through a post preggie body! It sure is a journey. You are a great role model!
Great post meg. ♥
I also hide behind the camera a lot of times, but I'm slowly getting over it as well. You look beautiful in all the pictures
I've recently made the decision to remove my kids and myself from my blog and keep it to my crafts - that is after all the reason I started my blog
But on FB there are more photos of me appearing
I like this post btw - I agree with what you've written
Great post... and CUTE onesie!!
I never like photos of myself and I'm always the one holding the camera! But I really should rectify the situation as one day my kids will look back and say "Where was Mum? Was she there when we did that?". I admire you Meg and I'm going to make a bigger effort to be "in" my blog and "in" photos generally. I LOVE your onesie by the way!!!!!!!
Absolutely very well said!!
And you rock those polka dots lady! xox
You are ROCKING that onesie girl!! Love this post - I too didn't used to take photos of myself ever but am so thankful that I've gotten over my camera shyness (most of the time). P.S. I can't believe I posted photos of myself in onesies on my blog either!!
Yep that onesie is a winner!! Jealous much ;)
Lovely natural shots of yourself, beautiful lady X
I'm inspired! xx
That onesie is oh, so, very cute and gorgeous on you! I doubt I'd look as darn cute in it.
I have noticed you've been putting up more pics of you and I think it's lovely. I've been doing a lot more of the same for the same reasons - and also, as my children get older (Charlotte in particular) they have started asking me not to put photos on the blog - or to ask their permission first (absolutely fair enough). I've found myself writing and posting about my older children a lot less than I used to - as their lives take on so much of their own path and are so much more independent from my own.
I've found the more I get used to pictures of myself, the less critical I become of myself and the more I start to see myself through the eyes of my children, my husband, my family and friends.
Love your blog Meghan and love you beautiful lady, with words of wisdom xxx
Fantastic blog! And awesome to see more of YOU in it! You have nothing to worry about, your'e gorgeous! If you're wayyy overweight like me and have to worry about triple chins, then you will want to avoid the pics!! hehe. I have just given up and posted some really ghastly pics of me on my blog...I figure that way when I do meet some of these other bloggers, they will be well prepared for how I REALLY look!! and if they don't like it.. tough ;) xx
great post, so true... I HATE seeing myself in a picture, but yes it's time to get over that!!! And yes, we are made in God's image... but it's hard to figure out how that 'image' works out in real life.... see you tomorrow!
Oh Meghan I think you are beautiful in saying that from one photographer to another i so prefer to be on the other side..the "safe" side of the camera capturing the images instead of being part of being the image...but alas, we do have to get over ourselves don't we..and really I do think it helps us in the photographing of others too...helps us understand how they must feel
have a great time
i will be thinking about you girts, wishing I was there♥
love and light
Rockin' that onesie! You are a stunning girl, I have no idea why you don't like selfies!!
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