04 April 2014

MNM's week of giveaways: Personalised Word Art

Well, here we are - the end of the road. The end of a week of celebrations and I hope that you are all feeling the MNM's love!

Last but definitely not least comes the opportunity to win yourself a personalised Word art photo designed by me in up to an 11 x 14 inch (27.5x35cm) size.

Here's the summer one I designed.

And this one hangs pride of place in our home with memories of our amazing time in Santorini.

So, in a joint collaboration - you can choose your giveaway.

You can win EITHER a copy of the summer one above OR together we'll design one that's personalised just for you.

All I'll need is an original picture (a picture outdoors in nature will work better than one with people in it), and twenty or so words that describe this place or this memory for you. It might be a special holiday location or a memory of a special moment in your life.  Either way we'll work together to make it it just right for you!

So, to be in to win, you know what you have to do (you should be getting good at this by now right!)

1) For one entry, leave me a comment with which photo or experience you'd want to personalise into a Word art photo.

2) For another entry, tweet, instagram or share this giveaway on Facebook and leave me a comment that you have.

Entries close on Friday 11th April. Giveaway open worldwide.

All giveaway winners will be drawn by and announced here on the blog on Monday 14th April.

Good luck!

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