Saturday afternoon was spent looking for Toy Story themed goodies for Noah's upcoming party, it was a bit of shame that this had to be done indoors whilst the sun was shining outside, but it needed to be done!
Who was this cool dude spotted in North City shopping centre having an icecream with his mum?
On Sunday the sunshine beckoned louder and we couldn't ignore its call. First up, Noah spent some time making up his farm. He was rather chuffed with himself I must say. After a quick trip up to the park for a kickaround for Mark and Noah, they picked up cousin Gwyl from town to come up for coffee and scones.
The boys headed out to the Wellington Phoenix open day, bumping into a few familiar faces as the sunshine brought crowds of people to the Stadium. Everyone was clearly keen to take the opportunity to meet a few of the All Whites players and coach, Ricki Herbert. He was clearly the star of the day, with queues of people lining up to get his autograph.
Meanwhile, back at home, the still and sunny day also beckoned me and Mylo into the outdoors. It really was too good a day to miss sitting inside, so we took a walk down to the duck pond at the botanical gardens for an hour. It was entertaining to see how Mylo so much more aware of his surroundings now. He found the noise of the ducks quacking and flapping their wings entirely fascinating.
We have chalked up a new record, two full weeks at work/daycare without a sick day, which given our prior track record of the past few weeks is really saying something! This week has been one day of raging southerlies after another, and I felt for the teachers having to find creative ways to entertain the children indoors every day. Friday afternoon, we went to pick up Noah and Mylo, and instead found a dragon and a mouse waiting for us! The older children were all playing with balloons that had a little water inside making them an unusual and unique sensation to throw when weighted down with the water. After picking up Noah, we went to the younger children's area and found Mylo having all kinds of fun chasing a balloon full of glittery stars around the room. The balloons came home with us, albeit carefully on the floor of the car! What a lovely way to end the week seeing everyone still in high spirits despite the rain and all with such colourful faces!
And who is this little dude spotted trying his best to escape the confines of our hallway!
Noah was busy explaining on the way home how his friend Beck had taught him to fly. A flying dragon, now that would be a sight to see. We were rather intrigued, so we asked him if he would show us just how it was done. Which he duly did. Enjoy!
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