15 August 2011

When life deals you lemons...

take photos!


Although technically, these are lemonades. Have you tried them? They're lush. Think lemons with sugar on them and this is what you get. They're ripening up nicely - I can't wait to try one - they're the first fruit from our tree. We don't usually have much luck with citrus - having already killed one lemon tree and the one we have is very sickly and doesn't look like it'll bear fruit anytime soon. So go the lemonade tree!

But yeah...so back to the metaphorical lemons.

There's a word that starts with W and there's way too much of it going for my liking at the moment. I'm trying my best not to let it overwhelm me but every day this week I've been hit by more unexpected work and less than pleasant surprises. This is when I'm MEANT to be enjoying more family time, but I'm yet to work the hours I had planned to reduce to. Everyone around me is doing their best to be supportive so it's still a great company to work for and I do work among some amazing people, it's just a really pressured time.

A season if you will. Like all seasons, I know in my heart that it will end, but because I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, all I can do is keep holding on, keep believing that His hand is on me and His strength will be sufficient in my weakness.

And I have plenty of distractions at home to keep me entertained, to help me forget for a few hours and refocus on what REALLY matters.

Like Mylo giving himself a yoghurt face mask treatment on Friday night. I might have to start charging him out - is anyone in need of a good facial?

Extra thick sliced Vogels fruit toast dripping in butter served with morning coffee.

Getting instruction from a great master in the best yoga poses

Homemade pizzas (blue cheese and ham, chicken cranberry and brie)

Boys delighting in icecream - note the little extended pinky action and the fact that there always has to be ONE who eats from the wrong end of the icecream!

Making use of leftover party balloons for independent and fun-loving play - fun that lasts for simply ages

Flyaway hair and a cheeky urchin with a dirty face

The gorgeous smell of these wafting through my house - brought inside as a precaution against the perfect storm that the weather people are threatening will have hit by the end of the weekend.

Sunday night update: And we did indeed get snow!

So apart from the excitement of snow in these here parts - the likes of which haven't been seen since the Seventies would you believe, this weekend was just what was needed... a low-key quiet version of a weekend. Sandwiched between mega parties and a weekend away, it was just the tonic.

We simply were. Four people under one roof, bonded by blood and love.

Being. Eating. Drinking. Playing. Loving. And it was enough.

Calmness is restored to my soul.

p.s. And I am LOVING the natural bokeh the olive trees made!

Linking up with Stacey for The Day After Sunday



PaisleyJade said...

The snow is amazing!! Secretly hoping it rains up here in Whangarei... but somehow I don't think so! Really feeling for you with your workload. Can't wait to see you soon!!

PaisleyJade said...

Whoops - I mean snows!! It's already raining!!

Anonymous said...

Snow!!! Jealous!
And yum to lemonade...we suck with citrus fruit!

Anonymous said...

the video was awesome
love the lemons and the yogurt face
ahhh those little men are just too cut aren't they?????

love and light M

Jules said...

Very cool that you guys got snow! Made me shiver just watching the video.

Wish we could grow fruit like that, our lime tree is in a pitiful state!

Christina Klas said...

I didn't even know lemonades existed as a fruit! That's fantastic. :) Love your sweet blog. Found you over and Blogs Tea & Me!


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